POLL - OSR Toy owners Count and Further Questions - Please vote in this poll if you are an OSR Owner!

Pretty sure OSR owner are not checking eroscripts forum daily (like me who only check it maybe once or twice per month).
As you can see on Tempest Discrod, there are not that many people active even they are around.

I think you’re mistaken commercially and more importantly strategically for the futur of your business.

  • 20% of all connected toys are OSR and growing rapidely since you can buy one now.
  • This is the third most used toy out there.
  • It is vastly superior to anything else and improving
  • Razer already did most of the work to implement it. Is there a royalty issue there I don’t get it ?

OSR is cutting edge. I’m not interested to buy scripts for ever, I did support it believing that OSR support would come soon but apparently you just don’t want that for a reason I just can’t understand.

Facts : my annual subscription will expire soon. I think that I won’t renew it and download videos on Mega and scripts from community.

One lost customer …

Good thing he put a lot of sneaky affiliate links in both polls, I’m sure it will be worth at least his time.

Hi guys - Just to be clear, I’m all for OSR support through SLR and I will continue to push for it like I have done for many things that are now working great at SLR so please dont think otherwise

It will be a matter of time I’m sure, but my goal of this post was to help get SLR’s attention to speed up that development and ensure it direct OSR official support by seeing actual votes and number of users interested/out there, rather than just guessing.
So please dont hesitate if you are an OSR owner to vote in this poll and be more vocal if you want faster support as I have linked this poll to them so they are aware

@Bobdole - you would just fill out:

Q 1 - choose “Don’t have an OSR but seriously plan to Buy or Build one soon” - Since you are in process of building but dont have one technically yet

Q 2 - choose “Have Never Bought a Script at SLR for their OSR, but maybe will one day” - Since you havent bought any scripts at SLR before but maybe will one day assuming with scripts sub (scripts sub only came out this month, but scripts have been available to purchase for over a year or so now)

I hope many also dont think its a waste of money to purchase singular scripts, even with scripts sub, as there are still different use cases, and we rely on those just as much if not more than scripts subs sales, but I know what you are trying to say

Q3 - you would just not fill in since u dont have an OSR yet

Yes for sure - thats why I appreciate your guys comments on keeping this thread active if we cant get this stickied for a little longer
I’m open to other ways to help find out how many toy owners out there of course, but ES seems like the best bet

Its very possible Im mistaken of course - hence why I made these polls to hopefully be proven otherwise

I very much believe and agree OSR is the best and for sure cutting edge - I have basically every toy to date, but theres reasons why I still reach for other toys over the OSR, but its the toy I definitely go for when I want that fully immersive mindblowing session without a doubt, but its technically not even a commercially available product still
I only know @M0SAIC has a site that sells them prebuilt but how many actually sold/out there is the question and hence the reason for the poll

I do know that OSR owners are a bit different than the rest in that it attracts and interests the Do-It-Yourself type individual, and those individuals usually tend to not prefer to rely on others (hence the term DIY) whether it be toy parts or scripted content

Of course thats a generalization but maybe it moreso explains why about half of OSR owners (in this poll) haven’t to date still bought a script at SLR to date?

Of course that could be maybe all toy users here on the forums in general, not just OSR, but I was moreso hoping we would see higher votes/comments to help encourage SLR to expedite support for OSR in this thread, and hopefully that can continue

I appreciate your supporting our scripts believing that that OSR official support would come soon, sincerely thank you for that

But sorry I dont think I follow? - I dont think I excluded that option/reason you are referring to:
If you bought scripts ‘believing that OSR support would come soon’,
then I would have hoped you or others similar would have picked the “Have Bought Many (or handful) Scripts at SLR for their OSR” option - since you purchased scripts particularly for your OSR which are fully usable like all scripts here can be on your OSR (just not yet the scripts sub option that just released)

Please let me know if I misunderstood what you meant to say otherwise or if I should have reworded the poll any differently?

Really sorry to potentially lose you as a customer, but hope we can come together again and help make things more beneficial to you, and as many supportive customers like yourself, sooner than later :crossed_fingers:

@Realcumber if I were to fill it out that way I feel it would inaccurately portray me and my interests.

It would not capture that for a tech enthusiast with discretionary income it can be very quick to go from handy to OSR2 (in fact it is less time than SLR can implement add-ons to current subscribers it would seem). That’s not even mentioning that I have servos for the SR6 on the way from china to build next month.

It would not capture the fact that I have zero interest in paying for individual scripts (especially that I have no way of previewing) but would pay for a membership with unlimited scripts - or that the reason they don’t have my money regarding scripts yet is because I am unable to add that on at this point in time.

@Bobdole - question 2 = “In regards to commercially available paid scripts sold individually or by scripts subscription” - actually refers to both buying scripts either individiually or indirectly through scripts subscription

So I believe it would still be accurate for you to choose “Have Never Bought a Script at SLR for their OSR, but maybe will one day” - that ‘one day’ being able to be get the addon eventually, and when your OSR2 is fully built and ready

Either way, dont worry about it too much as its just a poll, more voters will help give a better general idea
I appreciate your helpful comments on your line of thinking and what would be helpful in cases like yours

I’m sure the numbers responding here are going to be somewhat limited for OSR/SR6. However, there are almost 600 patreon subscribers to Tempest’s design site and there are ~1000 Discord accounts on the Tempest OSR/SR6 server. I’m not sure how that “interest” compares to the other stroker products, but I thought I would throw those numbers out there if it helps prioritize development efforts for SLR.

If 50% of the OSR/SR6’s buy a handful or many scripts from SLR, then the OSR/SR6 community might be around 300-500 current & future customers (based on the poll #'s at the time of this post, 27% bought many & 24% bought a small amount).

Just my opinion & everbody’s got one.

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Hello everyone,

Just gonna throw my numbers out there.

Safe to say about 1000 at this point I would think.

I am approaching about 200 sold in different iterations

Remember the 1% rule. Lets say we cut that number in half and only multiply our current results (number of people who voted) by 50.

That would give us about 2000 in the wild. I know this is likely high and the 1000 is much closer however. just going off of the tempest server numbers more than anything.


I’m not sure how to answer this poll for myself, lol.

Add to your number that the original OSR2 (beta1) has been downloaded from thingiverse 152 times in the last 2 months.


A little off topic but I wasnt aware @Tempest had presence on ES.

Do you know if there is a random stroker software for OSR? One that preferably has a gamepad support? For people who prefer not to use scripts and control the toy ‘manually’, is there a solution for OSR?

I just realized that I had not added my important opinions to this thread yet!

First off I have an OSR2+ evolved from the very first OSR that had printer files. Add and update over and over.

This site has enough free scripts that I really cannot even try all of them, let alone play the ones I use over and over as my favorites. I especially like music vids and I have purchased the StasyQVR ones. So I watch this group of interactive files and do not have the stamina to need more. It is true that some time back, like a couple years, it was hard to get good quality files regularly, it is now much more likely to find free scripts that are good to great.

Having said that I can state that I will get a sub to SLR soon due to the free scripts and the great variety of content. I am not aware of a bad script I have used from SLR.

Regarding the OSR I think it will not ever be as widely used as the Handy, and certainly not if a few extras are added to the Handy. My reason is the maintenance required. Servos suck for this application, they wear out regularly, and you have to make the judgement yourself as to which are the best. It is wonderful due to the speed and the options (twist, lube, heat, pitch, roll,) while it is working correctly! I certainly have found it worth the trouble but it is difficult long term. Not owning any other device except the V2k I may not know the amount of repairs needed for the others.

Just my 2 cents.

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Hah, to call it a presence would be overstating it a bit. Occasionally I drop by. I’m always looking for ways I can improve my work.

I’m really grateful to the guys here who have done a lot to promote my devices.

I have done quite a bit of work on random strokers but other than a few old python scripts on my discord there’s nothing released just yet. I plan to get something out soon as a Virt-a-Mate plugin, but I might well look at making a standalone PC app using the same code.


Thanks for the reply. A standalone PC app would be great!! Looking forward if you get around to it!

@Realcumber apologies for the tangent here. To make this relevant to the topic, I would definitely own an OSR once some sort of a random stroker software or app gets released.

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Hey guys - just an update:

We’ve been planning official OSR support through SLR

Right now, you guys should now be able to use your OSR (any version) for direct playback for:

@raser1 did his magic and made it all work with his latest JFP update here! → JoyFunPlayer 4.0 - OSR (TCode) Player - #58 by raser1

Hopefully can have something more official/all-in-one in the near future, but for now, this should be great solution to make SLR Interactive work with your OSR device!

Feel free to let us know of any features you guys would love to have integrated on Deovr/SLR app/JFP player


Awesome news thanks for all the work done


That’s really great news! Might just have to give the subscription a spin. Looking forwards to the convenience of official/all-in-one support.

Will the OSR be eventually supported for that feature of SLR for cams girls that doubleVR mentioned? (handy and onyx+ support was mentioned there) This would be a nice cherry on top but obviously SLR script support for the streaming videos was the big thing I was looking for.

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Im not even sure how that would work tbh without some kind of feedback/fine control device on the cam girls side
Vibrating Devices like lovense or devices with preset patterns are surely possible but more research will needed to be done for sure to know better whats possible

There was someone on this forum a while back who was using a leap motion controller to drive an OSR2 with multiple axes. They were using it for scripting, but I imagine it could be adapted for camgirls.

From what I understand, the controls that the handy uses for these kinds of things isn’t multiaxis controller but a simple app. I am assuming that SLR is starting with something similar. There are still things to be worked out as the control scheme isn’t perfect but still a start. For example, the output of the app in one session with London Lix was saved as a funscript posted here and she discusses using experience using it in a Youtube video:


I’ve built my own OSR2+ and may build an SR6 in the future. I have a premium subscription to SLR and use deovr + mfp so I have no need to buy them one off.

With that said I would definitely pay for multi-axis scripts at a premium over my premium subscription. If you make them reasonably priced I’d bet others would as well.