Post processing for OFS MTFG (lua script)

Updated the main.lua file. Key mappings are now possible for the post processing functions (in options->keys->dynamic)
Normalization is now using 3,7 or 15 point averaging.
Added two new “deTrend” buttons that look at the minmax of the start en end of the selections, and center and/or normalize using linear interpolation. This removes camera movement, but does a better job at maintaining the shape.


Can this benefit VR stuff? Camera is generally fixed but the actors can shift around.

Yes, if the other actor takes over there is a shift that makes the curves unusable without editing.

I’m not sure I understand. You say yes, and then say it’s unusable without editing (hand editing? or just applying this plugin?) so I’m a bit confused. This mathy stuff confuses me often anyway but if you wouldn’t mind clarifying I would appreciate it.

Just answered your question with yes, VR can benefit from the post processing tool.

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@quickfix Would you like me to add your customizations of the Lua script to the MTFG repository on github, so we can include the improvements in the next releases?

Yes, that would be fine with me.

Would it be possible to add a slowdown to each lower or upper point by 10% before or after? So I know this curve will have the 90% to 80% for a long time in that cow scene. Would be great to be able to set lower/+2 steps/after/-10%. Would that be possible as a post process button?

That would extremely speed up scripting.

I think I could add a button that copies the shape of the cycle just before the selection range, by inserting intermediate points and keeping the peak and valley point unchanged.

If that does not change the curve, any help appreciated to spare the work in every single valley.

Added a “Repeat pattern” button. It copies the pattern just before the selection range to the selection range. Selection range must start on a peak, and the first peak of the pattern must have the same “pos” (peak height) as this peak. The pattern is only copied where the selection has alternating peak and valley points (so no intermediate points). The original valley points are deleted.



Two more buttons that may be useful have been also been added:

  1. “Adjust at”:

This is used to stretch / fine tune the timing. The point in the selection range closest to the cursor will snap to the cursor time, and all selected actions will be interpolated keeping the first and last selected points unchanged.

  1. “Fill at”:

Can be used to fill a section where the action is not visible. Place the cursor in the unscripted time in between two scripted parts. The unscripted part is filled with the average stroke time at both ends.

Updated “main.lua” is in the link above.

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Thank you for the quick build. This looks like a very smart solution, will check it out later this week. Does it also repeat slowdowns at the top or is this only a valley function? This is a brutal time saver…

It also handles slowdowns at the top. In fact it will copy any pattern as long as:

  1. The selection range starts at a peak
  2. The first point of the pattern has the same “pos” as the first point of the selection range.
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“Repeat pattern” works like a charm. Will use this one often for sure. “Fill at” is understood but I dont get adjust at. Can you show an example?

“Adjust at” example:
Place the cursor close to a point in the selection range that needs a small adjustment. In this example place the cursor at the time in the video where the top should be.

After clicking “Adjust at”:

  1. The point is moved to the cursor
  2. The first and last top points stay where they are
  3. All other top points are also shifted proportionally

This works the same for the bottom points (by placing the cursor close to a bottom point), and for the first and last point of the selection range.

By placing a few points in the range at the right time, the points in between will also be moved very close to the correct point in time.

OK great so this is the same as select peaks top or bottom and move them with shift-arrow right or left? That could work for MTFG captures where you can only track other parts and the main action gets a delay in the curve. Easier names to understand would be good. “Fill at” could be named “fill gap”? The other two I also don’t connect the names with the action. I have no better idea though.

Quickfix do you have a solution for converting a script that has been scripted at 30fps low res to a higher res 60fps? The scripts gets fubar for the highres60 as it seems the frames are shifted exponentially. Its not just move all points three clicks right. Can you think of a conversion way by lua script?

This is an example

was scripted at 30frames lowres and just all points off at 4K 60

Sorry for offtopic

AFAIK the actions in a funscript are defined as actual time in ms. These times are not related to the framerate. Could it be that there is a small speed difference between the 30 and 60 fps movie?

Videos have same length and the script is shifted exponentially more and more. I have no idea how this happens but if you load the 30fps Jenni video it fits spot on. Load the 60fps as use different media and the script is shifted a bit at the beginning and a lot at the end. I have the feeling you could make a macro that moves all dots correctly if you find out the calculation?

I opened a help topic here

I could make an OFS extension where you manually move two script points to the correct time in the video, and all other points get adjusted accordingly.