Question about scripts

Alright so I just bought the handy, and I like it, but a LOT of the scripts i’ve found either on faptap, some of the ones on here, or even the official ones through the Handy app barely have any range of motion! Like if I just put it on manual mode it can go from ALL the way at the bottom to all the way at the top… And on the scripts, even if the map shows its got a lot of up and down, it usually only goes from 10% to maaaybe 50%, but a lot of the times its like 20-50% and it sucks…

Am I using bad scripts, or are the official ones not that good? The only ones i’ve found that have a LOT of range are the ones that are like Cum Champ but they just show random clips, no sound form the actual sex, and just music, and they just base the motion off of the beat, which I think is so trash. What is the point of it just being a damn beat? To me the whole point of a script is to see what is going on and feel it… And if not, I just feel like I should be able to hear the girls and not just hear songs.

Also are there any websites WORTH paying for? The pricing is pretty high, and if its definitely great, I might do it. But I don’t want to pay all that and end up with more of the mid.

my handy goes all the way down every time not sure why yours would only go halfway only on wifi mode and not manual. although not every script goes all the way down on every stroke to emulate whats happening on screen while cockhero and the like usually go 0-100 on every stroke. id make sure the stroke lenght is set to 0 on faptap and anything else you use

Make sure to connect The Handy via Wifi instead of Bluetooth (Purple light Not Blue light).
Bluetooth has problem keeping up with fast movements and scripts with vibrations.
Also connecting to wifi will allow the handy to receive firmware updates that help as well with movements.
You can follow the instructions in how to connect with wifi by reading the manual that came with your handy.

Keep in mind of you hold down the up and down arrows you change the stroke range. I believe if you connect via the app/website it should display these values (not sure which one it remembers between restarts). It should almost bottom out on the bottom, and at the top there is a bit larger gap. Check the manual for more information on when you hold these buttons down.

The handy connection method depends on the site, sometimes allows you to set the stroke range.

Play around with OpenFunscripter to make sure you are getting the right min/max values, there should even be some docs/videos how to use it on the thread for it.

Also if you do happen to notice such a narrow range when in WiFi-mode (purple) make sure you tap the top button to increase the range as I ran into that when I first got the Handy.