Regaining Trust Level 3

I once reached Trust Level 3 / Regular and was able to edit tags of others post. I think I might have lost it due to reduced activity recently.

My issue is that I once made a post in #lounge, which calls on others to make a wiki-post for tags. But since I’m no longer a Regular, I cannot access that post any more.

May I know what’s the requirement for reaching trust lv 3 again?

Also, do you think we should move that post to another channel such as howto, so that a wider user base can contribute to it?

Look here:

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Yeah, that happened to me too early on. Just keep doing what you do and you will get back up there soon.

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I lose my level 3 all the time and I’m here every day… I must be doing something wrong… :slight_smile:

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From what I’m reading it might be the amount of post interaction, or lack of.

@ Lafel agreed to have it in an accessible place, atleast for level 2 members.

Yeah, I think I just don’t actually hit the keyboard often enough. I need to interact more.

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