Remove overlapping len-x-y tags

This is mainly a message to moderators.

There are two len-x-y tags that break the pattern and overlap with len-tags. Can mods remove the following two and set an appropriate one from the original list of tags?

  • len-5-11 (used on 10 topics)
  • len-0-7 (used on 23 topics)

The original list of len-tags are:

Afaik anyone can create a tag simply by adding it to a topic. I’ll go ahead and swap the odd ones for the intended set. If additional action needs to be taken to fully remove those two tags mods will probably do so.

There should now be 0 topics using len-0-7 and len-5-11

Deleted both tags.

I want to mention there’s a feature called synonym, idk if it’ll be useful if this keeps happening.
e.g. animated is a synonym of animation. If someone tags their topic animated it will be automatically replaced with animation.


Didn’t know about the synonym feature, that’s really useful!
Unfortunately that feature wouldn’t work with overlapping tags. I know there are forums/image boards with implied tags, that kind of feature probably can’t be implemented here tho and wouldn’t make sense with our 7 tag limit.

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