Restim - e-stim audio generation

Restim is a program for three-phase e-stim audio generation for DIY stereostim boxes. With this software you can adjust the signal parameters and feel the effect immediately. A new method is used for generating three-phase audio that allows for well-controlled stroking sensations for many different electrode placements.

MultiFunPlayer is used to handle funscript and video sync, it can also connect with Intiface Central.


I use this with Mediaplayer Classic > Multifunplayer > Restim. If converting a funscript with Restim fails, open it up in a text editor like notepad++ and remove any asian characters from the bottom of the text (scroll straight down). Save it and try to convert again and youā€™re good. This messed me up for a bit.

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I can run the tests without issue , but when multifunplayer runs it LOOKS like itā€™s working (the little green dot moving to the funscript) but no sound is coming out of my external speakers (the one that would be connected to stim device) - i click test and it works without issue - using windows wmd driver , will play with others ans see if i can get it working .

ok crap , you need to click ā€œstart audioā€ ā€¦ really sucks if your vid playewr is devovr or whirlygig (both inside vr goggles) as i have to take off the goggles and click play - guess im putting a suggestion on gitlab

Of course you have to click start audio. Sending signals without explicit activation from the user would be a very big safety issue :cold_face:

My workflow is first start the audio with one of the patterns and slowly increase the box volume until the sensation starts. Then I perform initial calibration (usually only takes a few seconds), stop pattern and put on the headset. After that I mostly use the physical dial on the box to control the volume and maybe remove the headset during breaks to make minor calibration adjustments.

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let me say thanks for your workā€¦ Restim opens up new worldsā€¦ and works pleasantly on my 2-b (I know, I know everyone is gonna rip on me nowā€¦) but it works and feels good so THANK YOU.

I second the thank you , i had my own issues but once i got the app working it does work quite well :slight_smile: !!

did you use a specific calibration setting in restim regarding the 2B?

first off thanks for joining and asking questions. At the time I only went with standard settings. I saw this weekend diglet has released a new version of restim with explicit settings for the 2b/312ā€¦ would recommend trying that.

The latest version unlocks lower frequencies when selecting the 312/2B mode, which are not safe for use with stereostim.

Someone on discord tested this with a 312, said a frequency around 100hz works best. I have no data on what works best on the 2B. Feedback is appreciated.

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v1.12 Windows 7 x64 compatible compile.
Mega link

diglet has been doing wonders and keeping restim updated like an insane little devil. 1.16

Thanks Diglet!! cant thank you enoughā€¦ or post on milo cause I refuse to jump through the hoops for it.

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V 1.19 is available at that link.

Iā€™m using this with mpc-hc, and while it syncs up well with it, I canā€™t get it to send the estim audio out through a USB audio adapter, funscript or no.

Restim sees the audio device (USB audio), (and i hit the ā€˜start audioā€™ button), but my e312b shows no incoming audio.

Iā€™ve plugged in a headset to test it, and Iā€™ve tried other software, which can send audio out through that port as well as the main display (HDMI connection to a tv) at the same time. (Daum POT Player, fwiw, which I normally use to send audio out to the USB audio at 80% volume to drive the et312.)

In Restim, if I send it to the laptop speakers, or out to the HDMI audio, it works. (I just canā€™t connect the et312 to those.)

Windows 10, fwiw

Any suggestions?

Never seen that before. Maybe itā€™s opening the device with the wrong bitrate or something. Are there errors in the logs?

Is the windows volume for the audio device (sndvol.sys) not set to muted or 0%?

Maybe try a different audio API (in Restim settings).

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The volume is set at max.

I have been using it to send audio out to the very same ET312.

Iā€™ve tried different audio APIā€™s in Restim:
Windows WSAPI
Windows DirectSound
Windows WDM-KS

In the command line window (windowsā€™ std out, I suppose) it says that itā€™s able to open the device with 2 channels, PortAudio says:Success!


My USB Audio device came with no manual. USB A on one end, two 3.5mm jacks, neither is marked. Turns out one of those is a Mic - in port.

Iā€™m using a 312.
I had to mess with sound settings on my laptop. From sound settings - advanced sound options- Go into App volume and device preferences. I set Output: Speakers (realtek on my laptop). Input: Microphone (USB). Under App System sounds: output-Default input-defaultā€¦ Restart computer.
Before opening restim make sure sound card is plugged into usb. Sometimes Iforget to plug it in to usb. Restim defaults to my speakers Realtek. So I plug in usb change setting under Restim- Tools- preferances - audio tab- My USB device. Then I restart Restim.
Restim Under Snc media. You can pull up the media player with the video your going to watch with funscript . You should see the funscripts loaded. If not you can manually load script. Then hit start button in restim. then hit start on your media player. Under Live control in restim you will see the script playingā€¦

Make sure you are on Audio 3 on your 312BTā€¦Make sure audio cable is plugged from usb device the plugged in to line jack on front of 312B. I have also forgot to plug this in before. Sometimes I kick myself in the Ass.LOL.
I hope I am able to Help youā€¦

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Iā€™m also using Audio 3 mode. Seems to be the best for music range scripts.

In Windows 10 Iā€™m able to set the audio out of MPC-HC to the tv on the HDMI port, and tell Restim to use the USB sound device, set at 80% to avoid distortion (which I can feel, oddly enough), and it works when I have the stereo audio cable plugged in to the headphone-out jack, not the mic-in jack.

I wish the et312 guide was a little more detailed about the difference between audio 2 and 3. It barely mentions a ā€˜triphaseā€™ configuration with Audio 3.

Iā€™ve looked for a more technical discussion of the modes, but unsuccessfully.

TL:dr - I got it working once I took troubleshooting the obvious seriously.

Is there any way to bulk create the alpha and beta funscript files with a source list of .funscript files?

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No. I should add this at some point because it sounds useful, but I donā€™t have a timeline when it will be added.


Loving restim. There seems to be a lot of variation in how it reacts to different funscripts. Is there any target deviceā€™s (handy etc) funscripts that work better?

I found Estim with Liya that had extra files for PWM and frequency, that seemed more interesting and varied in sensation than the ones Iā€™ve converted in restim myself.