[RJ01064403] オツトメ咲夜さん game mode

Don’t suppose there’s an English version of the game available somewhere?

This is insanely well made. Makes me wonder which games would be a must to have here. I’ll start uploading quality stuff into requests soon.

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Here’s the Request I was gonna make about that Quality game I found some time ago:

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Umm has anyone managed to get this working with the new official English translation?

I’d say no since the versions are different and the English one also has a couple new scenes from what I recall.
No idea how much code change would be involved or if it’d be possible to just copy the translation files and keep the new scenes unscripted.

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Actually, after taking a look, I could patch the 1.2 version to support the funscript (you literally just move the file over and repack it).

I didn’t actually get to test it but I suppose it’ll be fine (the scripts load fine).
When you get to the epilogue it tries to load scripts 11-* which obviously don’t exist (funscript player doesn’t crash so probably won’t cause issues?), someone would need to make those.


Took me a while to make it work since I couldn’t find where app.asar was. Okay, its in the “resources” folder of the game file. Just replace the app.asar there with the one you downloaded.

It still technically works as is on the 1.2 english version of the game but some of the images and videos from that version will be missing or altered. And you will lose the English translation.

The repacked version from @erfrefer doesn’t seems to work for me. It seems that not the right scripts are called.

Something can probably be done so I’ll give it a try next week and post anything I find.


I found out what work.

Turns out, the repacked version was also using the funscriptplayer files from @Falafel .

So if you want to use the mod for the English version, download the app.asar just above and the funscriptplayer files from falafel. (you can discard the mod app.asar from that specific download, since its for the old version of the game)


Thanks so much guys, work flawlessly. I’ll sum it up for a latest approach:

To make this work with Game ver 1.2

  • app.asar from @erfrefer
  • FunscriptPlayer v1.4.2 from this To4st - Game Mods ( Custom Player/Server section)
  • script folder in Funscript Player folder from Otutome Sakuya Mod v1.1 by @Falafel

A working mod for version 1.2:

If you know how to mod, here’s the modded kag.tag_ext.js.
kag.tag_ext.txt (54.8 KB)

Note that version 1.2 added additional scenes (“Epilogue”). These were not yet scripted by @99DM. If someone want to script these they are located in app\data\video\11.






1t.funscript (4.9 KB)
1t.funscript (4.9 KB)
2.funscript (456 Bytes)
3.funscript (766 Bytes)
4.funscript (1.5 KB)
5.funscript (1.5 KB)
6.funscript (1.5 KB)
7.funscript (454 Bytes)
8.funscript (1.5 KB)
9.funscript (1.9 KB)
10.funscript (602 Bytes)


me when the mochi is bussin


And finally! A fully functional mod for the final version (it should be) of this game is out now.

Shout out and Credit to:

  • @99DM for scripting
  • @vylon for releasing v1.0 game mod
  • @Falafel for follow-up maintaining and releasing v1.1/1.2 game mod
  • @erfrefer ,@FlowerAlice and @RealJerKing for raising and solving problem on v1.2
  • @to4st for FunscriptPlayer
  • Everybody who works on this project that I fail to mention

Please refer to “patch tutorial.txt” inside the archive for the patching method.


Thanks guys, for all the hard work, cheers!

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Thank you for scripting

me game script was fine at the beginning, but after a few game scenarios the funscript player seems glitched and scripts no longer be played.Does anyone know why :sob:

@Falafel could you add this to OP?

@Falafel thanks
Could you make it a Quote rather then a link so it’s formatted and has the Mega link?
I want to help less attentive hoarders (like me two months ago) as much as I can without bothering

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