Turns out, the repacked version was also using the funscriptplayer files from @Falafel .
So if you want to use the mod for the English version, download the app.asar just above and the funscriptplayer files from falafel. (you can discard the mod app.asar from that specific download, since its for the old version of the game)
If you know how to mod, here’s the modded kag.tag_ext.js. kag.tag_ext.txt (54.8 KB)
Note that version 1.2 added additional scenes (“Epilogue”). These were not yet scripted by @99DM. If someone want to script these they are located in app\data\video\11.
me game script was fine at the beginning, but after a few game scenarios the funscript player seems glitched and scripts no longer be played.Does anyone know why
@Falafel thanks
Could you make it a Quote rather then a link so it’s formatted and has the Mega link?
I want to help less attentive hoarders (like me two months ago) as much as I can without bothering