Google image translated the buttons, and made a .tpatch for it. Installation is identical to handy integration. Will not interfere with the handy integration.
Note, this only translates the buttons, not anything the AI is saying, so there will still be a little guesswork on what’s being asked.
@Kyuh feel free to include the translated images in future revisions of your patch.
I wasn’t aware of Mtool until now. I found this tutorial on YouTube. Is there a way you could upload the data file as a patch for the game from Mtool, similar to what you did before? Or can it only be used locally with the Mtool app?
It can only be used locally through the mtool app.
Also, you’d need the paid/patreon version to translate MGQ, far too much text for the free version to translate. I think the free version is limited to something like 10,000 words total in the game before it spits out an error message rather than translating things.
For translation the new version of vntranslator is able to directly hook into the Tyrano game engine that all the Moko games uses and i believe forwards it to deepl who have AI assisted translations that are pretty decent (better than google for japanese atleast)
No need for any OCR screenreaders, it hooks straight into the game itself.
Edit: Regretfully it seems that the vntranslator stops the FunscriptPlayer from being able to see the game. (EDI does not have this problem.)
Double edit: and this one is paywalled behind having an active patreon subscription… access is lost when the sub is lost, I take back my suggestion.
Mtool hooks straight into the game with no screenreaders or separate text windows of any sort (which from any video I can find, VNTranslator uses). It literally translates the text in-game.
That said, at least the free version doesn’t have a way to use DeepL to translate, and DeepL in my experience is a better JAP → ENG translation engine than most.
Very Mtool many thanks for the tip, (very similar to vntranslator)
For anyone struglling with the games breaking when applying the mods:
Check if the app.asar file in the game\resources folder remains intact, if a error occur it will be reset to 1kb. The reason for failing in my case was because i had a “-” dash in the foldername. So just confirm there are no special characters if any oddities occur.
I can’t start Fun Script Player because a warning appears: To run this application, you must install .NET core.
How did you get started?
NET core. has already been downloaded.