[RJ292498][BF同好会 - Battle Fuck Club] with funscriptplayer



Full game download link, mode is already applied

play in funscriptplayer 1.3

It was a difficult task, but 99dm make good script so I finish it quickly.

use this script


thx for 99DM and to4st


When I try to launch Funscript Player.exe it keeps popping up with
“To run this application, you must install .NET Core.
Would you like to download it now?”
It also doesn’t take me anywhere when I click yes.

I’ve tried installing " ASP.NET Core Runtime 7.0.10" and " .NET Desktop Runtime 7.0.10" to no avail.

Any help would be appreciated people :confused:

Sorry for the copy pasting but I thought it was more apropiated to post this here…

Maybe should install the net core 3.1 version

This topic will help you

Ok, this helped.
Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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Ok I need help again :cry:

I managed to get funscript to start but i’m unable to send any command to my device (max 2)
I tried to use the convert to vib function and it doesn’t work either.
When I try to simulate game option i’m unable to send any command.
And when the game is started the same goes…

This came bundled with 1.3 of my player, which I think had the bug where the convert function wasn’t working. At the top of the of the post in the link above you can find 1.3.1 which should have it fixed. You’ll only need to replace the exe


Anyone happen to know where to get an English translation of the game?

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Unfortunately, you’ll have to translate it yourself for the mod to work.

Because it was remodeled inside the game

Tweaked machine translation

Drag and drop into the www folder


Could you maybe do a reupload MKN? Would be appreciated :slight_smile:

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Folder is down @MKN :slightly_frowning_face:
Could you reupload?

Tried to exchange the www folder with one of another downloaded version, but then the Funscript Player wont work.

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Would be great if someone reuploads this. I haven’t been able to find a translation for this game.

so is this a game that controlls the handy or is this a game that you watch a movie along with

Reupload for the file pls

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Reupload mode only