RTS archive has been re-done


Initially, I was working on scraping and uploading additional categories that were not included in the first archive attempt. During the process, I realized I had a pretty big oversight in the original scraping process, so I ended up redoing everything from scratch.

The old version of the archive hasn’t been deleted, it’s just hidden from view. In the future, I may delete it as long as the new version works out.

If you are the owner of one of these archive posts and need to hide/delete/edit it, send me or one of the other mods a message.


Thank you for all the work ! :+1:

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Great! Thank You for keeping everything available for the Community! :100:
I am sure everyone here appreciates Your Hard Work! :+1:

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Hey, thanks man. Mustve been a pain in the ass since the great disabling of recent.

I didn’t archive any video files or anything. just text posts and any attachment files included unfortunately