Script Edit/Copy Question

Hi All!
Looking for a bit of advice. I’d like to take a pattern/section from an existing script (specifically the endurance section of Cock Hero - World Championship from about 53 minutes in until 57 minutes) and create a funscript of that pattern that lasts about 30 minutes. Any advice on what tool or software would be my best bet for accomplishing that?

OpenFunScripter (OFS) I would say on doing this however…you should try really to take inspiration from what has been done rather than copy and paste an entire round from an video and then (what sounds like this is) turn it into a loop. (As then your not just stealing a script)

You should definitely given credit to the original scripter and ask for permission for this to avoid causing offense to them.

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Good advice, thank you!

add a video the desired length into OFS which will create a blank script then click “add existing script” in either file or edit cant remember off the top of my head from there you can add the desired script and it should show up in the bottom under the vid click on the script and highlight the desired script section and copy it with ctrl+c then click on the black script go to the beginning of the vid and ctrl+v you can then loop the script as many times as you want, then click export active script.

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