Script editing, general help

Hi all. I have just started attempting to make scripts, but i’m pretty bad at it. So i decided to try something else while i learn. I have taken a couple of scripts i like from ivdb and from here, courtesy of you talented folks, loaded them in OFS, and copied a segment i liked, to use in some of my own short clips. Now, after pasting the script segment into my own clip, and tested here- Handy simple scripter, everything works seemingly, as intended. Now, when i watch my clip in DEOVR (they are small 2d flat normal clips, i haven’t tried vr clips yet) the pattern works ok, but it feels and seems to be alittle slower than testing it before using in deovr. Have i missed something ? Is there a setting i should have altered or is it my imagination ? Any advice appreciated.

Not entirely sure I understand what you mean with slower, but here are some suggestions.

Are the actions slightly out of sync and lags a bit behind the video? Since you are using TheHandy make sure your delay is adjusted according to your particular network delay with the servers. This something that must be adjusted separately in each player you use.

Have you accidentally changed playback speed? Handy simple scripter has that setting in the main UI and it is possible that DeoVR has it too (haven’t been using DeoVR in a while).

Have you limited the stroke length in either player? Maybe the max stroke length make it feel like the speed differs.

Thanks for the reply, Sentinel. I meant that the patterns and everything seem all in place and working, but the stroke speed in deovr seems to be a bit slower than when i tested it in web script players like simple scripter etc. "Have you limited the stroke length in either player? " How do i check that ? Sync seems to be ok too, and not 100% sure how to change that. complete novice here.

Also, if the video is shorter than the script, i take it that all i need to do is delete what i don’t want, and adjust accordingly, then save the script to the same name as the video and it technically should work, right ? I shall keep experimenting !

I don’t use either of these players so I don’t know if and how you limit stroke length in those. If it’s supported it should be somewhere in the settings. Usually you can limit the stroke from both sides, i.e. limit so the device doesn’t go all the way up and/or not all the way down. A setting like 90-20 would stop 10% before the top and 20% of the stroke length before the bottom.

Regarding playback speed I noticed that Handy simple scripter has this control

You could also use your mobil camera and record a portion of the script using both players and compare the videos and see if it is your imagination or not. If video playback speed is set to 1:1 and the stroke length isn’t limited in any of the players then it shouldn’t differ.

I’ll try that thanks. I can’t adjust the speed and save for example, as a script in simple scripter with speed adjusted, speeds up both the video and actions, and if i were to adjust the script itself speedwise, it would then be out of sync. I did see a python based script and video cutter/editor, but way too complex for me, even though i wouldn’t need to do any video editing (although i am quite proficient at that). I am getting more acquainted with ofs, so sticking with that, and if i can copy/cut parts of a script, save, and add to my own videos and go from there, at the moment, that’s my best bet. Thanks again !