Script existing for Honour May - A Valuable Lesson - BadoinkVR

Maybe my mind tricks me on this and it’s just wishful thinking, but I think I remember a thread somewhere (maybe reddit) mentioning a script for this scene. I already checked

Does someone know?

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Please post …! :slight_smile:

EDIT: The below is wrong… it’s not the script for the above video nor is it VR, sorry about that! I’ll leave the comment up though just for transparency
did a quick search here on eroscripts and found this post with a funscript for the above video:

That is not the funscript for the video above. It isn’t even a VR video.

@agogo - your memory is correct - I made this script back when I was previously at realsync - Im hopeful though that this scene can be made available on slr one day :crossed_fingers:


oops, you’re right. I’ll remove my above post. Sorry about that

Thanks! It’s great that this wonderful scene has a script!
That means that there is no official way of getting/buying the script at this time?