Scripting - Lost commands / ignore speed limit? / "vibrating"?

I’m trying to create my first script and I’ve run into some issues I’m not sure how to solve.

Lost commands.
I’m using the Handy and FW4 and directly connect to it in Scriptplayer. At the start I just do full strokes on the beat of the song for the video.
I made sure that my commands are at least 100ms (usually well over that threshold) apart and the speed is well within the speed limit of 400 mm/s for the handy and still at a certain point the upstroke is completely lost. Not sure how to fix this. Should I add points in the middle of the stroke too? Also is there a script player that shows the commands in the script in a timeline like OFS and not only a heatmap? I think it would help with the “debugging” process.

slow speed
I also checked and compared to some of my favorite pmv scripts and I noticed that the script often goes way over the speed limit, seemingly resulting in max speed, although not doing the full range of motion that is specified in the script. It seems to me that I should go over the max speed limit to achieve what I want to achieve (very rapid movement at max speed for some sections) when I compare what other scripts do. Of course then I don’t really have control over the stroke length to the same degree as the firmware caps it, but it seems to work better than trying to actually respect the speed limit in the script.
Because when I keep under or on the speed limit in reality it’s never as fast as when I go over it.

There are some scripts out there that add a simulated “vibrating” movement in which the device is rapidly moved a small amount thus imitating a vibration. It seems here I also have to ignore the “rule” of the 100ms threshold.

Overall I’m a bit confused, because It seems everything I’ve read before is something that I have to ignore for the audio-based fast paced script I want to make.

  1. Ditch a handy and get a normal stroker robot

Handy is great (actually idk I don’t have one but people said they keep using it as an alternate) but for things you’ve described you need

  1. Update firmware
    I’ve heard the handy got v4 firmware that may solve some of those problems. Or not

I personally have a loud OSR2+ with twist and use it with 800g onahole and it works fine
With more expensive quiet 45kg servos it’d work literally twice better but I didn’t bother to spend extra $200 on that yet

It’s actually the other way around.
FW4 currently drops some of the points it can not make, while FW3 just compensates by not going as far to the point.