[Guide] What Is the OSR2 / SR6 / SSR1 and How Do I Get One?

An introductory topic to help people onboard the DIY stroker robots. Open to edits.

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Intro

OSR (Open source Stroker Robot) is a DIY robot that does the stroking for you. The term is also used to denote the whole lineup of toys designed by Tempest MAx.

They are constructed from a combination of 3D printed plastic and off-the-shelf components, designed to be home built, modifiable and user-repairable.

These DIY solution surpasses any other commercially available options in terms of performance, and can be used completely offline without relying on external servers.

Additionally, multi-axis!

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: The Devices

:small_blue_diamond: OSR2

Open-source Stroker Robot, 2-axis

The OSR2 is a Multi-Axis Stroker Robot designed to hold and move a Fleshlight or similar toy with 2 degrees of freedom. It is driven by 2 servo motors and is controlled by a microcontroller such as the Romeo BLE Mini or an ESP32.

A default OSR2+ can move on the following axis:

  • stroke (L0, move up & down)
  • roll (R1, tilt left & right)

Stroke length of the OSR2: 112mm (default), 150mm (max)

:small_blue_diamond: OSR2+

The OSR2+ is an upgrade from the OSR2 that adds a bolt-on pitch module, with one additional servo granting the device freedom on the pitch axis.

An OSR2+ can move on the following axis:

  • stroke (L0, move up & down)
  • roll (R1, tilt left & right)
  • pitch (R2, tilt back & forth)

:small_blue_diamond: SR6

Stroker Robot, 6-axis

The SR6 is a more complex device designed to have 6 degrees of freedom. It is based off a Stewart platform, with 6 servos driving six arms linked to the receiver.

In addition to pitch and roll, the SR6’s receiver can displace itself left and right (sway), back and forth (surge).

A default SR6 can move on the following axis:

  • stroke (L0, move up& down)
  • surge (L1, move back & forth)
  • sway (L2, move left & right)
  • roll (R1, tilt left & right)
  • pitch (R2, tilt back & forth)

Movement range of the SR6: 120mm up/down, 60mm left/right, forward/back.

:small_blue_diamond: SSR1

Silent Stroker Robot, 1-axis

➥ Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lct57dXhqf8

The SSR1 is a linear stroker device. Its receiver moves with a belt that’s driven by a gimbal brushless motor. The belt-driven system makes much less noise compared to servos.

The device stands as a solid alternative to popular commercial options. It carries more weight (~850g) and can move at a wider range of speed, fast and slow.

Stroke Length: 120mm


  • The SSR1 is still in beta development stage, though perfectly useable.

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Optional Modules

:small_blue_diamond: T-Twist


The T-Twist module is a special receiver for the OSR2 and SR6 that contains a rotary ring. It rotates (“twists”) your Fleshlight / Onahole to add an extra layer of stimulation.

The Twist 4 receiver carries an gearbox where the plastic gears transfer the servo movement to the ring in a 1:1 ratio.

The Twist 5 is a WIP version that mounts the gearbox onto the main body, and uses a cable to transfer the movement. It shears off some weight from the receiver.

Since the twist ring replicates servo movement, it will be able to rotate up to 270 degree with a 270° servo.

The T-Twist allows your device to move on the following axis:

  • twist (R0)


  • The Twist 4 is quite a noise maker due to its use of plastic gears.
  • Khrull edited the Twist 4 receiver to be fitted with a low-profile servo, which shears off some weight.
  • It is also possible to make the twist spin continuously with a 360° feedback servo.

:small_blue_diamond: T-Valve

The T-valve is a cap that sits on top of the Fleshlight’s casing. It regulate the air pressure inside dynamically with a micro servo. By closing the valve in an upstroke it creates vacuum inside the Fleshlight causing more suction.

The T-Twist allows your device to react to the following axis:

  • suck (commonly A1)

:small_blue_diamond: I-Lube

An addon developed by IsaacNewtongue that adds lube into your Fleshlight at the press of a button.

:small_blue_diamond: Squeeze Mechanism (WIP)

An in-development module that uses a cut rubber glove to simulate muscle contraction.

:spiral_notepad: Common Questions

Q: OSR2+ or SR6?

You may refer to this response by g90ak.

An OSR2+ is recommended if:

  • You mostly watch videos with scripts.
  • You are new to DIY.

An SR6 is worth it if:

  • You are an avid Virt-A-Mate user / want to pursue the most nuanced movement.
  • You hold a collection of heavy onaholes (800g to 1200g).
  • You don’t care about the noise.
Q: Must I use Multi-Axis scripts with the OSR2 / SR6?

It’s the best but not necessary.

With single-axis scripts, you can use MultiFunPlayer to fill in the missing axes with random patterns:
Multifunplayer - TRANSFORM Single Axis Scripts into Multi-Axis

You can also correlate different axes, for instance, mimicking a cowgirl by correlating the pitch with stroke.

Even if you don’t make use of the remaining axes, the OSR2 still makes an excellent single-axis stroker. Think of the additional axes as an endowment of its unique design.

Q: How are they connected to my computer?

Via an USB serial cable.

With the ESP32 it is also possible to connect via Wi-Fi (UDP) and Bluetooth Virtual COM port. The performance should be the same.

You don’t need the Internet.

Q: Can I use Intiface with these toys?

Yes, though you need some extra configuration. OSR2/SR6 to Intiface Central connection unofficial rough guide

Q: Can I use Heresphere with these toys?

Yes. Both MultiFunPlayer and XTPlayer supports Heresphere.

Q: Can I use this with a non-Fleshlight toy such as an Onahole?

Yes. There are special receivers designed for Onaholes.

Q: Do I need to solder?

The OSR2 and SR6 can both be built without soldering. Try the Wago 221-415 Solderless Power Bus by Telani.

The SSR1 will require quite a bit of soldering and wire crimping.

Q: Do I need to replace parts often?

Only if you’ve sourced cheap parts. A solid build should last long.

Q: How is the noise?

Noise of servo-driven toy depends on the quality of servos. Coreless and Brushless servos are generally quieter than standard brushed servos. Look for experiences under #servo-central channel of Tempest’s server.

The Twist module adds to the noise with its plastic gears.

The SSR1’s gimbal brushless motor is very quiet, most of its noise comes from the rail which can be relieved by lubing or using bearings.

:computer: Software

Awesome stuff to use with the OSR.

Third-Party Firmware

Script Players

Web-based Controller

Virt-A-Mate Plugins

Game Mods


:toolbox: DIY Resources

With a 3D printer and some simple tools, you can build these with your own hands!

You can find the STL files and detailed assembly instructions in Tempest’s Discord, access provided through his Patreon:

Be sure to also check out the #hardware-exchange channel where the community share their own customized designs.

Other Resources

:credit_card: Buying A Pre-Built Unit

Listing business and builders offering their services.
It is always recommended that you contact the seller before you buy.

(If you are a seller and want to edit this section to supplement information, please keep your description under 50 words. You may link to other posts where you go in details.)

:small_orange_diamond:YourHobbiesCustomized LLC

By M0SAIC. Ship from the US.


By renwoxing. Ship from China.

:small_orange_diamond:G90ak’s Limited OSR2+

Limited drops by g90ak. Ship from the US.

Pre-owned Unit


Thanks for this breakdown! I’m probably looking to pick up an OSR2+ at some point and all this is good info

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Good to see the “squeeze” mechanic being worked on. I wonder if anyone’s considered the method I saw mentioned on dollforum’s inventor section?
(obligatory nsfw warning, also the researched linked is almost 7 years old but who knows how far along it is now)


why not add the squeeze function to all of them

Hello, the ESP32 version comes with Bluetooth. Does this mean I can connect it directly to my Quest 3 and the HereSphere app?

Likely not. But you can use MultiFunPlayer, it accepts HereSphere as a video player and will sync your toy to it.

HereSphere dev once appeared in Tempest’s server and they were looking for ways to add support for T-code via Wi-Fi. Not sure how that went.

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Okay, so I need to find a Windows PC for MultiFunPlayer? Currently, I only have my Quest 3 and other Android devices :sweat_smile:

XTPlayer should do it then.

Thank you so much for the lead ! In the meantime, I’ve managed to get an old Windows laptop. Also, thanks for all the information you’ve compiled in this thread, it’s really helpful. I’ll focus on building either an OSR2+ or an SR6 depending on the cost and my budget. I’m really excited to build it myself !

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Glad this helped! Have fun building ;D

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i hope one company make something like this same quality as handy

I’m thinking of buying a pre-built one, but I have some questions.

How often do you need to perform maintenance and what tools do you need for it?
How does the mount attach to a surface area? Do you need to drill holes in your table?

Appreciate it <3

Out of the pre-built ones I’ve bought I’ve yet needed to perform maintenance on them. I sometimes actively take them apart because I want to install upgrades and mods. It wasn’t because they are broken.

You will definitely need a hex key to unscrew things should you do these.

Most mount designes are clamped to the table, no drilling required.

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Anyone know roughly how long you should run SR6 before letting servos rest due to heat? Seems like they are hot 20 mins into watching a video but maybe I am over reacting and they can get much much hotter safely.

How long/hot do you run your servos before you let them cool? I am paranoid of overheating but have no actual reference to how long they can run comfortably.

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I’ve never deliberately pause the session to let my servos cool. This really boils down to the servo and your usage I’d say.

Yea I’m trying to get a sense of how long they can go for (or maybe Im stupid and worrying about a servo overheating in an hour when it might actually take 5+ hours). Are your sessions over an hour of servo use do you think?

Thanks for this forum post too by the way, didn’t know about OSR/SR stuff and ended up getting an SR6

Yes, but it’s not moving non-stop. I change scenes often.

Anyone got an update on the squeeze mechanism? It looks enticing c:


And where can I get all these optional modules?

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