post. edit. I only just noticed what a GoP-Map is in the USA. And I am so fucking stupid. No, yes that was the hint. That I do not live in the USA… Sorry… … But I will still continue to call it GoP-Map though. Because it is just too convinent. …maybe, nobody even noticed…
Hey! SIDM is here to invade your topic! I hope you don’t mind me leaving this small novel here.
Your scripting is very close to my own! Which is why I decided to write this reply.
I started scripting my own hentai scripts a few weeks ago. That was about ~4 weeks before I started posting here.
Almost none of the hentai/cgi scripts here on ES, had ‘it’ for me. Even some of my frameworks, run better than scripts, that the people here posted.
I only script animations I deem ‘worth’. I watch out for ‘details’ that I can ‘write’ on the ‘canvas’ that is my framework.
I use only OFS to script, no other features. I didn’t even know you could use any ‘Core’ function of OFS.
I, as a ‘gamer’, changed/added the navigation to WASD. So I use my left hand to move along the script, and my right to set actions.
Enough babbling, let me tell you how I normally script, in 3 Phases. I will try to keep it short: (and failed miserably)
1. Phase: Making a Framework or GoP-Map (as I love to call it)
In this phase I place actions along the script that, as best as I can dicern, follow the actual grade of penetration.
For setting this line somewhat good, you have to analyze the whole video, how deep the penetration actually got, and the actual differences in intensity along the script/video.
I exaggerate ALMOST every action on this GoP-Map. How much, depends heavily on the contrast/consistency(depending on what your script is for) of the GoP(not the GoP-Map), to frames/moments/sequences before and after the the part you make the GoP-Map on.
Yes I track back and adjust the GoP-Map if I deem it necessary, because of the subsequent frames. (changes in intensity for example)
It’s normal to have some ‘Dead-zones’(too slow for most devices, or parts where the script doesn’t move) after doing this GoP-Map.
If you do this then you have a basic framework, a ‘canvas’, you can script over.
(If you get ‘nimble’ enough with your fingers, you can slow down the video, and place the GoP-Map as the video runs. Speed up and slow down as needed…)
Phase 2: place actions, many of them(got no name for this phase yet)
The second phase is one of the easiest, but also time intensive. Especially if you just started with scripting, this part may be really boring.
I basically just set actions along the GoP-Map. (which now useable, as a kind of ‘highway’ to move along the script more smoothly, accurately. And most important, FAST.)
The actions I place at around 10-20% lower or higher, on the GoP-Map. Right beside the spines. (normally, that’s a minumum of 2 action per spine)
Thats it. Thats about ~80% of the actions in the script, that are added in this step.
post edit. (if you have good eye to hand coordination, you can do this on a running video too. Just like in Phase 1.)
Phase 3: Smoothing out the ‘spines’ and adding details (also no name yet)
In my opinion, this step is the most fun.
I have done the most basic and ‘hard’ work.
Now as I move along and smooth out the spines on my GoP-Map, I simultaneously watch out for any details, that I am actually able to translate into a singele-axis movement. post.edit. The most Details can NORMALLY only be added from green to deep-yellow lines along the GoP-Map.
That may be everything from a twitch, wobble, insertion, the big O etc. There are many more…
I also ‘try’ to liven up the ‘dead-zones’. I am still figuring out myself how to script them. I could go into detail… but I refrain for now.
Here on my topic, at time stamps 04:14 & 10:46 time you can see two ‘idle-scripts’, I am most proud of ATM. …had the wrong topic attached at first… …oops…
The first uses the speach-pattern as reference and the latter is mostly focused on the twitching.
This should be all I can write without a desktop. (I wrote this on mobile at work, so please bear with the layout
I hope this helps you more than it confuses you! And any detailed questions, you may ask gladly!