Sharing upscaled videos

Hi, I’m not sure where to post this but I was wondering what are the rules around sharing videos that have been upscaled?

I have a bunch of older VR videos I’ve upscaled using Topaz AI enhance over the last several months and wanted to share them. The results are generally ok but most are an improvement over the original in my eyes. I understand there are copyright laws so I’m a bit hesitant or unsure how to approach this.


I’ve seen people post links and then edit the posts, deleting said links so they’ll only show up if you look up the original post via the edit icon.
Obviously not a clear answer to your question but it’s an interesting workaround to make sharing somewhat inconspicuous.

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i think as long as you’re not posting torrents and you’re not sharing videos when the scripter is requesting not to post free vid links, you’re fine. You could even ask the scripter to add your video link to their post.


I’m on board with HC here.
As long as you’re being respectable about it I don’t think anyone would care.