Should I buy a Syncbot?

I’ve used the Handy for over 6 months now I think and it has been great. However I was looking around today and saw some mentions of the syncbot. Im curious how people compare the two. I mostly like BJ scripts and I heard the syncbot is great for that. However I am concerned for the lack of community scripts for the syncbot since it has 3 axis. Would a regular funscript (with just up and down) → syncscript conversion be subpar since it generates the contraction and rotation randomly (so not in sync with action)? Overall just curious if it’s even worth the upgrade.

I’ve just got it 3 days ago, It actually genereates the other axis on time with the points which is very nice, I’m glad I bought it, this is probably the last toy I’ll ever buy to be honest

Copied and pasted from a message I sent in the General Channel when people asked about Syncbot there with some changes.

I saw good things about Syncbot for the first year or so…then the stories come out on the forums as maybe they made enough cash or problems begun to show…Several topics have appeared on this sites where people have had reliability issues with the sleeve tearing or the product itself. Not very easy to solve with how the support has been. Anyway way currently Syncbot from what I’ve understood is not worth it especially since if you are looking then to resell it and they notice you, as they’ve banned someone for that instantly instead of try to keep them as an customer. Plus I don’t believe their beta software (It’s been in beta since it’s release nearly 3 years ago maybe now) has been released fully since you still have to personally ask for it so you can’t auto-gen scripts or movement from video shown…meaning people have to make you scripts which barely anyone appears to do now. (or run it through a converter if that is usable still)
As a result for it being the same price give or take as an OSR2+ and I’d have to choose then and there, OSR2+. (I like my SR6 enough though that I would hold out to get it again)

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My personal experience, is that it’s alright however I want to make it clear that I think I’m just lucky. There are ALOT of people who had it break/rip the the sleeve apart within a month and it has a insane asking price, along with you needing to join there discord to get the updated app. “you cannot run it with other programs it HAS to be with there app”. The stroke length is pretty bad but gets somewhat made up for by the other 2 axis’s.

The big appeal to me for it after having it for 5ish months is that it has barely any physical setup, you lube and stick it on “unlike the Handy and Tempest machines were they need mounting”, But if your getting it for the axis’s I would highly recommend just getting a Tempest Machine From M0SAIC or FunOSR for about the same price. They can go Faster and Slower then it, has even more axis’s, Is repairable, and has a massive list of different sleeves you can use with it all while not being locked to a single app.

The AI script making part of it is barely useable, iv had loads of videos just not work or have more then half the script missing action. and for adding onto up down I’ve notice it just ties the twist and grip to it so when a stroke goes from 100-0 the twist and grip just copy it, and that’s something you could just do with a tempest machine with Multiscriptplayer.

I would only say get it if you have a lot of money you don’t need.
Don’t want to mess around with getting a Tempest toy setup.
Your ok with it having a chance to just break on you in a month.
You want something you can just stick on and just use.

I made a review for this thing in the past for reference: Biased review about the Syncbot

Nah. It’s not an upgrade from the Handy, or any stroker toys. It’s a different toy doing its own things. It doesn’t stroke well. Most of its stimulation comes from the contraction and the vacuum it creates, which is why people say it’s a good BJ toy.

And there’s the spinning torture chamber for your glans, which is too much for me.


I can tell they were generated based off what’s already in the up-down axis following an certain algorithm (e.g. it spins fast where there is intense vibrations in the funscript).

I don’t think there’s machine learning here. It doesn’t see that the tongue circling around your glans and thus make it spin, nor does it sees the actor sucking and then makes it contract (not like I could see these).

I would say they are subpar when compared to handcrafted scripts where each axis is tailored to the video, even if it’s abstract and you can’t see the action on screen.

They once tried to develop their scripting community here but now looks like they’ve moved their base on SyncBrowser, which is a subscription-based software (it used to be IAP where you top up “SyncGems”, which is later cancelled).

There is still a couple of SyncScripts being made on this site but very rare these days.

You can use their scripting AI. It may or may not does its job depending on what type of scene you enjoy (it’s bad at 2D animations).

Some other points worth mentioning are:

  • No support. Doesn’t work with games or any third-party app.

  • Support is confined to their Discord server.

  • Only two types of sleeves (scabbard).

  • Durability complaints.

Question for you @Falafel are you still using it today and if so how often and ultimately why?

(I’ve been curious as to why the initial reviews never got an update added to them when all the bad reviews and such came out around it’s durability problems)

Mine still works fine, though I never used it as a daily driver. Maybe once a month when I’m feeling like something different.

It’s also because I make scripts for the Handy and OSRs, so I had to use these to know if I did decent. I can’t test my scripts on SyncBot where the stroke length is too different.

And I still can’t get along with the spinning mechanism. Either I’m too weak or girthy (hope it’s the latter).


Sounds like your gooner level is too low, which is a good thing it’s too scary.

spinning torture chamber for your glans

Let me preface this by saying I like BJ scripts more than anything else.

I got a syncbot back in October. I used it twice, and then never used it again. I honestly didn’t even want to use it the second time. At first I stopped using it because “up and down” is important in any script including BJ scripts, and it doesn’t do that. Instead it just felt like nonsense. Then after hearing about how the inner sleeve can not just tear but they expect it to tear once a month, I am not putting my dick into something that has the potential become a large electric pencil sharpener at any given moment.

I recommend reading this thread before you make a purchase.

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