SLR App error

Hello there! I finally got my hands on The Handy (lol)
I downloaded SLR Interactive, but I need SLR app too.
I download the SLR app for GearVR, but i always get the same 2 errors, when updating.
Wrong OSIG file size, or Socket closed error.

Any ideas what is going wrong?

That aside, I see there are some scripts for pornhub videos. How can you sync that sync, with the PH videos?

Thanks for everything!

Even if you might find someone to help you here I think you have better chances in the SLR forums since the app devs should be present there and answer technical questions about their app. Someone might have had the same issue as you. The Support and Apps tags should be suitable for a first look before posting your own question.

OSIG issue for GearVR has been mentioned here for example.


Thank you!!

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