SLR is paying $500 to creators for Originals scripts [ON HOLD]

Note that paypal most likely already has such info, or another link to it. As its a financial company it also will have to work with governments, which again takes this step towards the correct location (paypal doesnt realy need to know who you are, if they detect a risk of fraud, they can just contact the government of the country to which the bank account is tied).

The extra info with a paypal account isnt needed. But it can be required by the country because you are still selling something, that it can fall under tax regulations. This can be reached when exceeding a certain value of sales, which on that does require the country to be known (and because of that is actualy mandatory to be asked). But at least a country on its own is anonymous enough.


Legalities aside.
Some one could sell your scripts, and there would be no way for the original scripter to prove it wasnā€™t him.


I wanted to accept that offer but they want you to sign a contract with your tax id. I thought this would be easy just give the script and get 500$ in return. Well this way i cant do it because it would be considered a job so i would get no more unemployment benefits.

Yeah my initial hope was that you could do one script and it would classify as a hobby, which in the US at least, you only have to report on if you bank $650, so doing one would at least be tax-free, but sadly no go with that concept.

Even if it is a hobby for you and you pass all the criterias for it SLR has to follow all tax laws applicable for a company. Also, even if one script is below the reporting threshold a second one would not and SLR donā€™t know if there will be a second one at the first payment. TBH, it is very hard, if not impossible, for a company to pay anything to an anonymous person/bank account, possibly in a foreign country, without breaking any laws.

I wonder what US tax laws would say if you gave a promo code for a number of free months of premium with scripts for a script instead of a payment. That is more of a loss of sales and no money is transferred. However, I donā€™t know if they have to put promo codes and discounts in their financial records somehow.

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Yeah it was just my hope; definitely understand there all legalities on all sides to follow. The hobby tax would have just allowed me to at least get one script done before the govt takes their 60% lol

Any update on this?

We have modified the system, now you only need to fill in tax form and we sign contract with your tax number, not an ID number.

If this is more suitable, please, contact us at

It also differs per country how certain things are handled.

In my country, in some cases you can actualy end up with negative gains. Either because the income is 1:1 removed from the unemployment benefits (if you get benefits from multiple things, the general unemployment one can be cancelled out entirely as you are receiving too much benefits while having ā€˜officialā€™ income). These negative cases are however rare.

More often they just scale horribly with each other. So compared to the unempoyment benefits, the work you did effectively granted far less than the minimum wage, giving you barely anything for a lot of work (for example a full 40h workweek only gives 10% additional income).

Luckily at least, they consider these things on a yearly basis. Which means that while in the month you receive the money, it can be taking most of the tax away, but over the year compensate itself (the tax they took away because of employment, generaly also compensates for unemployed months, which then increase slightly again). In most cases there is some gain, but it scales horribly (you realy want to stay below the poverty treshold in most of these cases, or have minimum wage, the steps between are garbage).

But on that, if you can dish out 2 scripts per week (and probably overlap takes place so you are actively making like 4 scripts). It can be considered as a decent enough job to stay out of unemployment entirely. Especialy depending on the country you live in, it can even be a nice income. That tax takes some of the money away then might not even matter as the remainder can be more than sufficient.

But without any reliable number of scripts to make per month, you cannot even tell how much money it will generate. Yet that number is extremely important for people to know how much will be taken away by tax etc.

Terribly sorry for bothering you, but does this offer still stand ? I am heavily interested and confident that my VR scripts hold up pretty well, I even created a sample for an SLR original (specifically the Video : Aquarius spa training day) that I could send in for you to gauge the quality of my work!

Also does this apply for EU countries, too?


Hi! Yes, this offer still stands, you can apply by sending an email to
EU countries are also welcome, no restrictions on this side :slight_smile:

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Curious if the offer still stands for this.

Iā€™m curious if anyone did this successfully

Sure, all these where made this way:

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They are paying 500 dollar per script and thereā€™s only 13 community made scripts on SLR. Thereā€™s a bazillion free VR scripts on here. I guess theyā€™re very picky :wink:


Very, and yet the scripts they approve are often low quality/boring unless itā€™s Realcumber. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks there is a conflict of interest in their scripting program. They put their best scripters in charge of hiring new scripters, but hiring new scripters means their current scripters could make less moneyā€¦ So whereā€™s the incentive for them to hire quality scripters?

Also Iā€™ve been told the $500 is the MAXIMUM pay, so like for a 2 hour VR scene. It could be less for shorter scenes.


Not sure what you mean by maximum. 500$ is fixed payment for any SLR original single axis script and 700$ is fixed for script with 3 axes.

We do look after quality of our scripts, each script goes theoguh QA and SLRO are generally very long scenes that are hard to script, which is the reason why this happens.

Realcumber script $4.99, community scripter $5.99 for the video linked below. I imagined that realcumber quality would be more expensive than a community created script. This pricing strategy support your statement.

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I submitted a script on the 18th and have been told the QA team is reviewing it, i hope it happens soon since i really need the money. Iā€™m hoping that we can also submit scripts for SLRO scenes that already have an AI script, i see a few videos have multiple scripts.