SLR same day script opportunity

Hello everyone!

Some exciting news from SLR today!

As you know we have some scenes that are in-the-making and we would love for them to have scripts ready at launch. For this we require your help.

We are able to provide you with a scene beforehand so you can script it and earn more, as new scenes draw much more attention. To find out more about our scripting programs, have a look at our forum.

All upcoming scenes are are available at this link - Coming soon

To express your interest, please send an email to We would be happy to help you reserve, give access to the scenes and answer any questions.

If you are not yet a member of SLR, it is a good time to start. For the EroScripts users, we have prepared a promo code with a great discount for subscription with scripts.

Use promo code EROSCRIPTS for annual recurring “SLR Premium + scripts” bundle.

Enjoy the weekend! :wink:


Does this apply for all upcoming scenes, or SLR Originals specifically ?

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This applies to all scenes, which are to be released on SLR from any studio

This is now live and fully automated on our script creators profile.

We have released a separate tab, where creators can search through the list of coming soon videos, download a video file and then upload script, so it is available straight away on video release.