Slutpop - PMV music

Hey all,

I started making my own music for PMVs. This is one of my tracks. Please let me know if you like the sound of it.

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Audio doesn’t play, uh might want to upload it to something that it can play through since site doesn’t like it.

hmm, I used a drop box link. Think i fixed it with the mp4

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Yep works now. I’m listening to something else first but I’ll give this an listen afterwards…also I recommend adding a poll since I’ve personally found that polls gain a ton more engagement. (nearly 200%)

Upscale/FPS increase request topic , Video resolution mega poll and recommended multi-axis script along with single-axis script which is a Fap Hero.

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Okay first up this is definitely reminding me of like back in the 2010’s ish kind of pop music stuff I heard my other family members playing non-stop. So it is not my kind/genre of music, however that said with one big fix I can definitely be good with this being the music in an PMV or HMV, even Cock/Fap hero video round.

The big fix? Well…

The 1:19 to 1:56 sequence just felt like it was meant to be the ending of the song due to the length and so went on for far to long for being the middle point. Which jezz yeah that was over 30 seconds of nearly the same audio which to me was the same bit looping for around 12 times with slightly different vocals breaking them up.
The repeats of it afterwards around 2:22 were much better length wise on my ears as they only lasted maybe 10 seconds or 4 loops roughly. The third and final one at 3:25 was roughly the same as the second of 10 seconds or 4 loops. (there was maybe one starting at the end but the audio cut out before the actual thing ended by a few seconds) I would have preferred (maybe due to over exposure as it was also in the background a fair bit) for the loops to only happen 3 times.


The lyrics I could mostly make out and did bop well to the music but I’m more one to just listen and let the audio pass through my head rather than be fully absorbed. They were definitely erotic.

I can’t really so anymore since I don’t want to say stuff since I’m no music enthusiast nor do I know music, I just bop to what works for me even if that means I don’t have a dedicated band via only liking their outlier songs. So while I wouldn’t add this to my daily music list, I would keep a video of it in my library after that fix. (Since that’s make or break for me if I would use that video often then)

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It’s really good! I bet much dislike when people use normal or famous songs in porn because my brain calls back the pen when I hear it again lol. Also I prefer the music to be taking about sex as well. This is a tad too upbeat for me but I still think it’s great for pmv or hmv content. I prefer songs more like in this video:

Were the vocals generated by Suno? If so, how much did you keep from the raw Suno track?
I’m wondering if the arrangement remains unchanged.
The upload cuts off the end unless the track itself is that way. The intro is also off, like it begins with a bridge instead of an intro.

the 1:19 to 1:56 loop was meant to only have 1 loop of the get it baby, but the AI was getting confused. The entire song is based around the seed of ‘get it baby’.

As for the cut out at beginning and end, I am trying to make a 15 minute PMV. So this song is still in production.

Not Suno. The raw track is just the ‘Get it get it get it baby’. Cut off is due to not being finished

I would recommend using the AI for inspiration and samples, but doing arrangement and production manually. Having full control over structure, variety and mixing makes for a streamlined process and intentional result.

My AI does allow for some arrangement and production. It will generate many variations, I can put in the lyrics I want (sometimes it will work, sometimes it will not), so definitely lots of trial and error.

I don’t know how feasible it would be to do this manually without AI.

I’m saying let the AI generate vocals and some instrumental, but use those in a DAW to manually arrange and mix them. If something needs tweaking or adding, doing so manually takes very little time if you know what you want.
Without AI, it’d be hard and/or expensive to get the vocals and certain instrumental bits. But without manual arrangement and production, it’ll be tedious to get your musical elements structured the way you want (maybe you’ll never get the AI to get certain stuff exactly how you want).

I have tried learning DAWs, it was complicated. To me it seemed weird that you can’t edit it like a video clip. I’ll admit it was pretty overwhelming and I kind of gave up. Is there a way to just insert a music clip and edit it like how you edit a video?

You can insert audio and edit it however you want, yes. I’d recommend FL Studio to get into it, learn how to change the project BPM and how to use the Playlist first.

Wait hang on…you shared the song without checking first if it came out as intended since it was only meant to loop once instead of 12 ish times? If so that’s a dangerous thing to make a habit of if plan to do that more, especially with final releases or editing it into an video.

AI I see as being an useful tool to make stuff but not to leave it alone to it’s own devices…that’s begging for an Skynet situation to occur. (Even though an song making AI won’t improve it’s own intelligence)

Upscale/FPS increase request topic , Video resolution mega poll and recommended multi-axis script along with single-axis script which is a Fap Hero.

I am able to edit specific parts of the music. I was trying to get that section to sound different, but it came out sounding as is shared now. I left it as is because I thought it sounded good enough to work on other areas. Hearing that section mentioned leaves me to believe that perhaps I should change it as it is a rather large stretch of time to have only a single line being sang