Hello just purchased and received and ssr1 from yourhobbiescustomized. I’ve purchased an sr6 and osr2+ from them before and was happy with the product. Anyways to the question. I’m having issues with the stroker once I insert the flesh light sleeve. It’s as if the stroked isn’t able to tolerate the weight because without the sleeve the strokes are fine and full length. With sleeve the stroker stutters. I’ve tried multiple sleeves just to make sure and it is with all of them. Does anyone else have this issue? Also is there a certain amount of watts that should be provided to devise?
The motor (using the standard iFlight GM4108H-120T Gimbal motor) is 25W and requires 20V.
On the broader issue my mind jumps to how the receiver (the thing carrying your sleeve) fits onto the guide rails. Too snug would most likely cause problems with or without load but too loose would I imagine cause a staggering effect while under heavier loads as the receiver wobbles its way up and down. Pure speculation since I’m not looking at the device in question and I don’t know what kind of mods @M0SAIC has made. You could try lubing the guide rails thoroughly, that never hurts. Also the gang on TempestMAx discord server are super helpful when troubleshooting these devices. A 2€ patreon sub will give you access: https://www.patreon.com/tempestvr/
Sorry can’t offer help, but was interested in finding out what kind of stutters you are getting? Got a video? My serial devices only ‘‘stutters’’ if the update rate is too high or if I play a heavy 4k video using MPV
I’ll take a vid when I get the chance.
I’ve been testing it out and i really cant tell why it gets stuck at the bottom the way it does. @Endlessdream
@M0SAIC was hoping you could shed some light on my situation.
Ok I think I figured it out. The Allen bolt that holds the band was loose causing the belt to slip. I’ll do further testing later. I was curious does the SSR have Bluetooth capabilities? Or does it always have to be serial. I know the SR6 can be used via network connection but it still has to have power supplied to the board.
As of now I’m not aware of any firmware with bluetooth functionality. @Khrull does have a version of the firmware with wifi capabilities, but yes in any case power has to be supplied to the board. I’d be surprised if bluetooth isn’t added at some point, the SSR1 is still in the alpha stages. If I’m not mistaken I’ve heard Tempest say several times that lag and other problems with other BT toys are more a matter of bad implementation than limitations of the technology.
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