Stroker Recomendation?

I was wondering what 1-axis device can you recomend as the best ?

what is the best right now ?

Is it worth buy ONE now or wait fot the new strokers to arrive this year ?

I have the kiiroo keon, love it. I hear that the handy and some others have a higher stroke speed though, possily a bit more range. But if you ask me, the black froday sales are just too good on kiroo.

Depends. Where will you use it? Infront of your desk or on the bed/couch? How technical avise are you? Do you like tinkering with stuff if something is broken? Do you have a 3D printer or someone that could help you? What kind of sleeves do you use or would like to use?

I always recommend the Handy because in comparison to everything else it certainly is the device that just works with everything. Direct connection key connection in players (Heresphere, DeoVR) and bluetooth option.

The company Oh Doki itself has a great customer service imo.

I always use my device on the couch (my degenerate phase where I wank it infront of my desktop is long over) where I can just hold it perfectly and it wanks me off. With the left over hand I can easily use my VR controller.

When it comes to speed only the enthuastic devices (FunSR 2.0, OSR+…) are faster than the Handy and those can also use almost every single Onahole and sleeve you can imagine. The Handy can handle smaller Onaholes though, but the sleeves made for the Handy are also good. I recommend the Lotus here if you can handle open sleeves.

Most of the scripts on here are also made for the Handy in mind and I remember a past pool option showing that 70-80% (Edit: almost 70%) of the people on here use the Handy, but that could have changed since then, but I pretty much doubt it.

If you get the Handy I would recommend not updating or downgrading to V3. There is a topic about that on here, but that’s the only thing you gotta be cautious with currently.

There is SLRs device coming, but I would be wary and just wait for that one. Not to mention that SLR is a American company and as we know there are already lots of issues now and with trade wars happening things won’t change I guess.

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This poll is very current.

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lol I even voted there I think last week so that’s the reason I had that in mind. Thanks.

I would recommend the handy for a middle ground of good performance and ease of use. I would recommend the FW3 if you can, FW4 is a bit finicky. Upgrade to FW4 when it’s more polished.

If you’re technical and don’t mind tinkering / maybe doing a bit of engineering, OSR based devices have the most control and best performance.

I would skip on other devices that make large claims as it’s bit of a routine that they end up being scams/underwhelming/vendor lock in, and they end up being paperweights. (Ahem syncbot)