The Definite Poll [2025] [new users read results] - Devices, Sleeves, Apps, everything

This is the 2025 state-of-funscript poll

It’s made to asses what people have, what people use, what people like. Who people are.
So the regulars can see what to create, and newbies can see what they can get

Poll rules (please check them out)
  • :heavy_plus_sign: means “combinable options”, may not make sense by themselves, marked to make sure you look at them
  • If your option is not in the list but has a close equivalent in the list, check that
  • :link: means I once again remind you that you should only list things that work with funscript, not standalone
  • I’m looking for the modern data so list the things you have extensively used in the past 6 month
  • If you just have the device/sleeve and it’s just lying or the shelf, or if you’ve used it a couple of times said “meh” and didn’t use it anymore, don’t list it.
  • If you have the thing (e.g. VR) but not use it with funscript, don’t list it
  • All polls are anonymous, but if you don’t want to answer just switch to results
0 voters
Devices (used with Funscript in last 6 month):
0 voters
Devices, page 2 (used with Funscript in last 6 month):
  • Fuck machines :link: (that fuck you from the other side)
  • Vibrators :link:
  • E-stim :link:
  • Nipple Massagers :link: (notably the UFO )
  • Prostate massagers :link:
  • RealTouch (ancient technology) :link:
  • :heavy_plus_sign:Based on OSR/SR6/SSR1, bought in a shop
  • :heavy_plus_sign:I printed one myself
  • :heavy_plus_sign:I’ve constructed one myself
  • :heavy_plus_sign:I had to repair one myself
  • :heavy_plus_sign:I have 3d printer and use it for making stuff for devices
  • I don’t have one
  • I don’t have one… yet :smirk:
0 voters
So, what axes do you use? (ik some work not literally like that, just use description)
  • stroke - L0 - Up/Down - the definition of stroker
  • twist - R0 - Twist(rotate inplace)
  • roll - R1 - Roll(tilt left/right)
  • pitch - R2 - Pitch(tilt forward/backward)
  • surge - L1 - Forward/Backward
  • sway - L2 - Left/Right
  • vib - V0 - Vibrate(any device that vibrates)
  • valve - A0 - Valve(that closes to control suction)
  • suck - A1 - Suction(any device that creates vacuum by sucking air)
  • lube - A2 - Lube(that drops automatically)
0 voters
Non-devices (don’t support Funscript, but you still use them while playing)
  • Vibrators
  • Fuck machines
  • Prostate massagers
  • Nipple Massagers
  • Cock rings
  • Lube (just so you have something to check lol)
  • Sex doll
0 voters
Players (used with Funscript):
0 voters
Players, page 2 (used with Funscript):
0 voters
Scripter apps:
0 voters
Sleeves (used with Funscript - more then once in last 6 months):
  • Fleshlight
  • Device specific sleeve
  • Small onahole (<300g)
  • Medium onahole (~500g)
  • Heavy onahole (~800g)
  • Hips (>1000g. Two handed or not designed to be moved)
  • Pussy entry
  • Ass entry
  • Mouth entry
  • Undefined entry
  • Short sleeve (<8cm), e.g. Fleshlight Quickshot
0 voters
Video devices (used with Funscript):
  • Laptop
  • Monitor
  • Big-ass monitor (27’'+)
  • TV
  • :heavy_plus_sign:VR glasses
  • Quest 3 or later
  • Pico 4 or later
  • Valve Index
  • Google Cardboard (or anything “VR glasses” with smartphone screen)
0 voters
What videos do you watch (used with Funscript):
0 voters
What subscriptions do you have (in last 6 month, even if for a month):
  • :heavy_plus_sign:I don’t spend moneys (except devices/sleves) (so you have something you check)
  • I spend moneys
  • any OSR dev patreon (e.g. TempestMAx)
  • any scripter patreon
  • SLR
  • any porn website (e.g. Pornhub)
  • any player (e.g. MultiFunPlayer)
  • any animation maker patreon
  • one-time purchases of scripts
  • one-time purchases of videos
  • :link: one-time purchases of games
  • one-time purchases of not scripted hentai games
0 voters
If you have multi-axis what do you do with single-axis? (i.e. what’s your preferences on it)
  • I only have one axis
  • I go for multi-axis first, and if there’s no interesting get back to single-axis
  • I go for multi-axis only
  • I don’t care if the script is single or multi-axis
  • I look for multi-axis, of single-axis scripts I check only the best ones
0 voters
  • Hands
  • :heavy_plus_sign:Hands-free (so you have something you check)
  • Basic mount on desk in front
  • Handy hands-free
  • Monitor hand (please link pics)
  • In legs mount How to use an SR6 in bed (short video guide)
  • :heavy_plus_sign:Any deck mount
  • :heavy_plus_sign:Any belt mount
  • :heavy_plus_sign:Any under the ass you sit on mount
  • :heavy_plus_sign:Any long metallic hand mount
0 voters
Session duration (check ALL applicable, e.g. if it’s 2-10 for PMV and 30-90 for games check both)
0 voters

Now the script section, so our beloved scripmen know what we like

What would be needed for your perfect script?
  • It’s got great sync
  • It’s fast enough
  • Its slow enough
  • It’s got creative details like wiggle and other special movement to spice it up
  • It doesn’t stop (has filler strokes)
  • It’s realistic (mirrors what’s on screen)
  • It has multi-axis
  • It has a character or person I love
0 voters
So then what makes you dislike an otherwise good script? Even if you still like it very much.
  • It’s got poor sync that can’t be fixed with just offset
  • It’s so fast it’s breaking sound barrier
  • It’s faster then Handy may support
  • It’s so slow
  • It got useless “creative” details like vibes and wiggle
  • It stops for a long time
  • It completely ignores what’s on screen
  • The video immediately fades out so I can’t just stare at the pretty girl in the end :sob:
  • It has so much multi-axis that It drops me out
  • The video is censored
  • The video has of stock image quality of picture or animation (e.g. cheap MMDs)
  • The video has bad themes (e.g. NTR or other trash words)
0 voters
What immediately prevents you from downloading the script or even visiting its page?
  • It’s paid (meh)
  • The video is paid
  • The video is VR
  • The video is not VR
  • The script is multiaxis (why don’t you just take the L0)
  • The script is not multiaxis
  • The video is waaay too long len-60-plus
  • The video is waaay too short len-0-2
  • The video doesn’t have a plot
  • The video is censored
  • The video has of stock image quality of picture or animation (e.g. cheap MMDs)
  • The video has bad themes (e.g. NTR or other trash words)
0 voters

Now the chapter about you, the viewer

You don’t have to answer, but are very welcome to!

Penis (should I even keep this lol) (yes I was allowed to):
  • :heavy_plus_sign:I have one (so you have something you check)
  • … but that’s all I’ll tell you (refuse to answer this question)
  • I don’t have one (for the other gender who somehow came here, you’re welcome)
  • Less then what a general stroker supports (<=10cm)
  • More then OSR2+ supports (>=12.5cm)
0 voters
Living status
  • :heavy_plus_sign:There are people nearby so I prefer quiet devices
  • :heavy_plus_sign:I have my whole living space to myself so I don’t really mind loud devices for human nearby reasons
  • Children
  • Spouse
  • Girlfriend
  • Not in long-term relationship
  • Not in any relationship for the past 6 month
  • Virgin
  • Cat/dog/fish
  • Sex doll
  • Prefer not to say
0 voters

cc @VladTheImplier @Falafel please pin, maybe oven on the top of site

Polls will be closed in 2026, if I’m not active here then please close them for me then

Hmm I forgot the width poll, will make one tomorrow

Thanks for the hard work! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

On another note.

Some people want to watch their world burn. :fire:


Funny meme, is funny. Click me.

…I know that there may be other reasons, as to why those didn’t check the box. From just plain trolling, to being unable to procure a device yet. Yadda yadda… … I am not THAT dumb… … hopefully…


Honestly, if longevity of Sleeves wouldn’t be a concern, I’d give it a try

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The first onahole I bought lasted me a solid 3 years (~200 uses) before it had any issues (I ripped a hole in the back :frowning_face:).
Given the price, it was the best value for money of any sex toy I’ve had.

Read reviews. Some of them are tanks.

I mean the no lube topic. So far I had no Sleeve tear on me.

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It is a whole new world with good lube. With lube its a dimensional experience


Estim can be without lube


I mean, sure you can, but TENS pads don’t last long and TENS pads and dry conductive silicone tubing are the only electrodes that have given me skin burns from bad contact. …and everything else feels either uncomfortable or painful without Spectra360 or at minimum a water based lube.

So for the Video Device. I use a tablet with a mount to keep it close. It wasn’t an option but I thought I should share because I may not be the only one

I will consider that Google Carboard lol
You may mark that
Well, your’s one is not a VR but I just want someone to check that tick lol

… Wow, there were like 10 people with that :scream_cat:
I should get one too lol

I wouldn’t consider it that. I mean Cardboard is for VR videos.

This device is not on the list, but I have a FUNSR1. Feel free to give my comment a like if you have one. I’ll take that as a vote if you have it.

It “is”, it’s SSR1 :heavy_plus_sign:with a Twist
Also it’s :heavy_plus_sign:Based on OSR/SR6/SSR1, bought in a shop don’t forget to check that as well

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…five people living with sex dolls so far, nice, this is the way. And nine who actively use sexdolls with funscripts, presumably for the feels, that’s interesting. i’m guessing the four ‘dolls’ who didn’t make it into a permanent relationship might actually be torsos, not dolls.

i’m curious why ‘device specific sleeve’ is so high. Do you think people are ticking this is because they have a sleeve made by a company, like the Handy’s ‘Lips’? Because that’s not how i define ‘device specific’. For me, that means a sleeve that ONLY works with a specific machine.

Anyway, i think it’s gone very well. i suggest we do this all over again at some point in the future (6 months? a year?), there’s a few extra categories have come to mind, we can build on the data from this survey to design the next one more efficiently, and obviously it’s always nice to have separate surveys over time to define trends…

Yeah, the last poll was from 2022 I think, that’s why I made it

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As there was no category for handy normal sleeve or v2 of it. I tough this handy sleeve would fit in the " device specific" category (because it was delivered with the device)


Also as it was asked to post a picture of monitor hand setup. Here is what I use :

24€ monitor arm


40€ 3D printed case for the handy (ordered online at 25% fill ratio)

It works well when clamped on a Desk, but if you clamp a funsr1 with a 800g fleshlight it moves the desk to the point that it’s making way too much noise.

Also I was a bit sad that the monitor arm clamp was not large enough to clamp on my bed. So it’s definitely something to verify if you want to use it one bed.

Is it me, or is that a far too short distance for OSR2 support? The one i got can easily do 25+cm motion, and setting it to 50% is generaly similar to handy distances.

I didnt check it because the full OSR distance isnt doable for me. But 12.5cm works fine without any hassle.

But 12.5 and 25cm are such huge diffirences im worried about either a typo, or that g90ak is making OSR2’s which are extreme (of which im happy as it did enable me to perfectly adjust it).