Suggestion: enable thumbs for Script Collections

Something I really want to see are thumbnails on the Script Collections list.
This is enabled for Scripts and Scripts Request, but maybe this can be too for the Collections. okay, maybe because I’ve done great thumbs for my ES indexes topics, but I think this can interest and grab some visitors on the topics if thumbs are enabled.

What do you think? Is technically possible? Or it was already asked but not enabled for a reason?
Thanks for at least the discussion :slight_smile:


Seems my suggestion doesn’t attract crowds :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Not even 100 views since 5 days :smiling_face_with_tear:

Just accept this fact. 99% of the community is maximally passive. They look only at the free scripts category, sometimes like them, and will only write a comment if the link to the source stops working


Oh, I know this (and a bit sad :smiling_face_with_tear:) But not the first time i try to make this suggestion, already done on others topics, or in the chat. Thought doing a dedicated topic will have more impact, but maybe in final I should contact directly an admin to ask if is it feasible ? :face_in_clouds:

Maybe he can answer you

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Little topic up, request still valid twenties days later :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: