Suggestion: Script exchange category

So i’ve been scripting and using scripts for a while now, however i’ve noticed that most of the times, scripting spoils the fun of enjoying the script as having to watch the content slowly, revising and testing pretty much makes burns the video into your mind and most times it ruins the fun of it.

The options you have if you want avoid spoiling yourself you have to either request or commision an script. But i wanted to suggest a third option, exchanging scripts with someone else.

The category should be open for users tha create content and are trusted users much like the request category, just on higher standard.

Feedback and consideration for this idea is welcome, thanks!

Moved to Site Feedback

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I agree about the scripting spoil and I have asked Teasy a second ago if he could go over a script so its not spoiled for me. I would absolutely do that if I can find someone who is interested in scripting the same type of movies I like. My point is I don´t want to script stuff I don´t like thats even worse than a self spoiled script. So best way would be to check someones portfolio if it matches your taste and then propose something to script or ask for a list of videos. I would also suggest scripting has to be free this way.
So yeah choose a video from an actress from the long list I posted here
and I will script it for you and tell you which video I would like from you from the same list.

Yes i was thinking about that as well, topics could be created with the following format:

Thread tittle: Looking for 10 minutes of scripts with this themes:

I will script videos equivalent to around the same time of the videos i requested (no more than 15 seconds past the mark)

:video_camera: Video A

:video_camera: Video B

:video_camera: Video C

:spiral_notepad: Preferences
Things i like to script: Hentai, music videos, oral sex.

Things i wont script/dislke:
Filth, slow videos, anal, funny videos.

Indiferent to everything else could script if you ask

Firstly I think it needs to be considered/said as to if only scripts made by the exchangie’s are allowed or if they found a public script a while back that’s been lost or they claim to have done. As you haven’t said about that in your suggestion which leaves the door open to a possibly dangerous and controversial thing, especially if exchanging occurs in private where it’s easier to give paid scripts instead of personally made ones. (the high seas are everywhere and hard to moderate if systems aren’t thought out well)
Also the only trusted user level that this would I think work with is ‘Regular’ as a minimum since everything prior is very easy to get and hold onto while this level requires constant work. (As can be noted by how many people have ever obtained it and how many times they regain it) Which could then make the chances of an ‘high seas’ occurrence less likely than it already is.

I would include in that forum template any extra details about the videos you want, e.g. length, resolution even size incase you have a preference or limitations for them. Same for if any sites aren’t usable for yourself and if you have experience doing all types of scripts or only up/down with twist axis.
Finally maybe if your willing to go to private messaging or only want to talk about it on the topic. (Which if allowed could allow what I said in the first paragraph to occur easily)

(Yep that’s a lot of possible things but everyone could have this or that preference and it’s easy to forget in the moment at the supermarket about that one item, so having a list of suggested options could help in my view.)

Yes i do believe i would be better if all interactions regarding the exchange happen in public, to avoid problems and misunderstandings. And yes having multiple options would be good as well, ideally if a person want to exchange with the thread owner, they should post somethng like:

" Hey i’m going to script X from your list, and i want Y (Expressed with the template) on exchange, let me know if that works."

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I have an idea that is within the site rules and I will try it later today.
I will post a paid script that can be unlocked by scripting a movie of my choice. The scripter can choose the actress from a list.
My script will be set free, the scripters script he can sell I just need a free copy. Script quality would also increase as there is a minimum quality I would accept. Endpoints fitting, exaggerated enough, no excessive point setting.
How does that sound, could be exactly what you are looking for?

Id love to unlock paid scripts like that.

Here you go, go on and release it. I chose the key-script to be free.