Termination of cooperation with SRL

Well to deny that they have the largest online platform VR-video makes no sense + they recently wrote their firmware for OSR2/SR6, probably soon there will be a firmware release customized for their services - 90% of users will be enough. Laziness is the engine of progress :wink:

I don’t deny they are currently the biggest. However for my preferences and so methods of consuming the content I’d rather have all the parts on my computer and just have to deal with the problems that may occur on it whatever they may be. (Which currently are none as just doing the first time setup was the most fidgety)
So I currently deny that it’s better to use SLR over MFP or something else due to being able to use without internet or if the video/script goes down/removed.
Change isn’t always needed if what works fits the wanted criteria and nothing externally has changed or been innovated upon.