The Handy Mermaid Collection Sleeve + Gen 2 Sleeve Review

Melting plastic together and then rubbing my dick against it for hours doesn’t seem like a healthy thing to do but whatever. Good to know I’m not the only one crazy enough to try :rofl:

Please keep us informed on which glue you used and how it holds.

ahhaha and they were never seen again.

Just got the Pearl a few weeks back and I have to say it’s my go-to sleeve for longer sessions (30+ minutes). It’s not overly stimulating and I enjoy everything other than the tight entrance.

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It just goes to show, it really depends on your own dick which is good! :wink:
Just released my latest review of the Chrysm and Lips Ultimate Handy Sleeve Showdow: Chrysm vs Lips - Which is the best Sleeve? - Crafting Worlds