The Handy (wifi no longer works)

Hi everbody!

I’ve been using handy for a year without any problems.
I have pc/heresphere/virtual desktop or pico connect/pico 4 and funscrips from here :slight_smile:

Now my handy does not want to connect to wifi, the light for wifi starts flashing and then back to green light (offline mode).

  • I have entered the wifi password again with the handy app (handy in bluetooth mode) and it sends the data to the handy, same error…
    -I have changed wifi/password for the handy in the the mobile app to my other router, same error…
    Could it be that the “wifi module” in the handy is broken?
    Everything else works fine with my wifi and internet.
    In the last month, the handy has had problems connecting to wifi sometimes, but now it doesn’t work at all…
    Is there anything else to try?

I don’t have a solution, but I can say that this has been happening to me today, never had an issue in the past few years, suddenly I just can’t connect to WIFI. :thinking:

Started having this problem too, idk what could be causing it, I’ve never had problems with my Handy until today with the wifi issue, I tried changing to my hotspot back to the house wifi but nothing has worked.

It happened to me a few days ago, two separate Handy units in fact, neither was able to connect via WiFi, modem/router/connection was working without problems. I tried a few hours later and there were no problems whatsoever.

…change the Handy’s connection key, that can help sometimes:

The servers were down earlier:

This is all the more reason I believe the server software should be self-hostable.


now it’s working again… THANKS GOD!! :laughing: must have been the server problem

Im glad things are now working. I just want to add that i once had the same issue and the problem was that my antivirus software updated and decided to block that connection. I had to instruct the antivirus to allow it. Hope this helps someone in the future as a possible troubleshooting step. Thanks.

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