TheHandyForUnity_APIv2 - Use Handy with Unity (HTTP Request)


I made a SDK to control TheHandy by HTTP request in a Unity project by using API v2 of Handyfeeling.

I based my work on GitHub - defucilis/TheHandyUnity: A Unity wrapper for the Handy male masturbator's web API.

Here is my GitHub : GitHub - LimitlessManMLB/TheHandyForUnity_APIv2: Unity package to send HTTP request to TheHandy

Install This SDK in Your Unity Project

That realy simple, install the TheHandyForUnity_APIv2.unitypackage on your project.

There all class you realy need :

  • SimpleJSON
  • HandyConnectionAPIv2
  • StructsAndEnums

To run the UI Example You will need to install Text Mesh Pro.


Updating my wrapper to API v2 was on my todo list for ages, but now I don’t have to hehe. I’ve added a link to your repo in my repo’s readme :slight_smile:

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Hapy to hear that.Thank you. :smile:

By the way, nice job :wink:
I learn some stuff in your code. I didn’t know Action and Find("objX/objY/Etc…)
And also how to made lamda function.

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