To4st - Game Mods (Latest Game: Lost in the World of Succubi | Latest Demo: Corrupt Descent)

i can’t get it to work with Succubus Academia. But on Lilith In Nightmare everything is fine and it works.

I pasted the Integration Mod in the original folder and extraced the Scripts. Then I start FunscriptPlayer.exe. But it doesnt connect to the game, it only connects to the Handy.

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The player is standalone. It runs completely independent and unaware of the games. It’s setup as a simple http server that listens for requests.The modded game files allow the games to send the commands to the player for it to play the right script at the right time.

For Succubus Academia, make sure you copied the files to the right place and overwrote the existing ones.
When the game first loads, the player should start showing values next to “status” under the Game section, that should at least indicate it received some command.
You could also make sure that the scripts are in the correct folder: “./scripts/succusacademia/…”

This is all troubleshooting I could think of at the moment. Since you mentioned Lilith is working, I think it is most likely the Succubus Academia files. Maybe your version could be different from mine and there’s some conflict?


could someone make a video im more of a visual learner


Am i the only one getting this error and the yes button does nothing??


try to download it by yourself

Same here, but started to work after installing Download .NET Core 3.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows)
Under " .NET Desktop Runtime 3.0.3" install the x64 or x32 if you run 32bit Windows. I only tested with x64.


I tried it with multi-axis but osr only works with linear script.
Should I do something with TCPGamePlugin.cs file or Just put it at root\plugin folder?

Yes, you can just place it in the plugin folder and then start it from MultiFunPlayer’s plugin menu.

I should mention the plugin was intended to mimick the functionality of the custom app I included and I was hoping to move over to MFP entirely as it supports way more communication methods and features. But I read that it doesn’t work that well with a Handy so I’m still torn on which route would be better for users.

Also, MFP’s sync settings can make the looping of the scripts awkward because a loop counts as a seek in the “video”, which will lower your OSR movement range/speed if you have the setting enabled.

Well, it seems to connect to the custom app through buttplug fine, and the game connection seems fine too cause it’s changing scripts listed based on scenes in game… but 0 reaction from Handy. It works with simulate game so the connection between custom app and handy itself must be working to some degree, but somewhere down the line commands just aren’t being sent. Unsure as to the cause.

Edit: To expound on that a bit more, I’ve tried both using the default config and taking the embed out of the loop and trying it manually through intiface. Device connects successfully via bluetooth, custom funscript player app connects to intiface fine also, and according to the status section the funscript app is recognizing which part of the game it’s on (succubus academia, the first encounter. changes accurately as animations shift). Somewhere down the line though the communication isn’t being sent to the handy. Either from intiface to the handy or from the player to intiface to handy. Lilith seems to give the same response as well, so it’s not unique to one game and not the other.

After changing filler to be on, its clear the app is sending signals to the device during game as filler works. Its specifically the scripts that aren’t being recognized or sent. Is there a specific setup for the folder, or a config option i’m possibly missing? It’s weird it’d send signals to move the device successfully but won’t recognize script input.

Are the scripts listed in the dropdown on the simulate window? They should be in a folder called “succubusacademia” in the scripts folder, otherwise they won’t be loaded properly when the game reports its name and script to load.

No, they’re not in the dropdown menu. Attack works, but that’s it.

The app loads the scripts on startup. If they’re not showing then they weren’t loaded.
What does the folder structure look like?
The scripts folder should be next to the FunscriptPlayer.exe. A script’s filepath would be, scripts/succubusacademia/E_AlmaElmaEV1-EJ.funscript, for example.

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Aha, so it was in a folder called “Linear”. I removed them from folder and put them straight into the succubusacademia folder. Now they’re on the list… testing now.

Edit: Bingo, that got it. Thanks to4st.
Edit again: Holy shit 1:1 movement ratio too, that’s quite impressive. I was expecting stuttering on bluetooth cause haven’t had great luck with it on others. Kudos.

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Thanks, happy to hear it’s working now :slight_smile:

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Happy to report same fix worked for Lilith, and if those out there find the english translation for it, it works for that one too. Good news all around.



Trying to get it working with the Edge 2.
The custom player detects the game and Edge, but the Edge doesn’t vibrate.
Tried simulating the game and still no vibrations.
Using the scripts via ScriptPlayer works fine.
Is the problem that it isn’t a Handy or equal, or is it something else I might be missing?

Might only be designed for linear movement and no vibrations. It recognized a vibe of mine too while I was testing it but even simulate did nothing.

Sorry, the app will only send commands to devices that support the script’s movement type.
Scripts ending in just “.funscript” are seen as linear.

If you’re able to give me an example of what a linear script converted to a vibration script would look like, if that’s possible, I could see about maybe converting it in software and sending that to vibration devices.

If you feel up for scripting your own, scripts ending in .vibrate.funscript should work. I don’t have a way to test it myself, but there is logic in the code for it.

That is interesting.
I can throw one of the funscripts into ScriptPlayer, and it will send vibrations to the toy and behave differently depending on which script I use.
Maybe it’s something lacking in the CustomPlayer software.

Always happy to see more games getting integration, theres so much potential with interactive content like this. thanks for all you’re doing here