To4st - Game Mods (Latest Game: Lost in the World of Succubi | Latest Demo: Corrupt Descent)

I think it’s a customized firmware. If this is a device-specific issue maybe we should summon @renwoxing.

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This and Drain Mansion look so good, I’m gonna have to try them

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Cycle of corruption looks decent, it’ll be releasing with some type of vibrator integration too!

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Post has been updated with mod for Succubus Dungeon Gaiden’s demo.

I’ll be focusing on creating demo mods based on the poll for a while. Once there’s a sizeable chunk I want to do another poll for you guys to vote on which game should get a full mod. To that end, I’d appreciate it if you could give the demos a try to inform the vote when the time comes. And also to please share any ideas or feedback. If there’s a gameplay mechanic I missed or that you think would be a great candidate to create scripts for, I would love to hear these suggestions.

Going forward I think it would be better to not include the entire Edi application in every mod. This way I can free up bandwith and space. The new mod is the first example of this and I might go back to amend the other ones.
The main reason is also to ensure that I don’t share Edi versions that will eventually be outdated and that still contain bugs. The earlier conversation around the SR1 issues being a prime example and what made me consider this.

The SR1 issue should be fixed whenever the next version of Edi is published. Things are still being tested afaik so I can’t really say when that might be.

Apologies, I didn’t mean for it to seem like I was ignoring you. Your suggestion just slipped my mind whenever I came back to post. I made a note of the game, but can’t say when I’ll get the chance to take a look.


For Succubus Dungeon Gaiden, there are random encounters when you explore that are sexual. Would be great if those could be scripted as well!


Updated post with mod for Pleasure of Depravity’s demo.

I want to try including more scripts for gameplay elements. For this I’ve added a script that plays when the enemy inflicts the player with the erection status during combat. I wanted to make it configurable, but ran out of time.

I want to try and keep with my current pace of at least one demo a week. For the next week I want to go back to the work I had done before on Drain Mansion to see if I can salvage and use it for the demo / free version.


u still goated


I followed the instructions in the README file to apply the mods for Otherworld Ruins and Inma Labyrinth, but when I play the animations in game, the scripts do not play.
The device is recognized by Edi and the mod is applied, but it does not seem to be linked to the game.
What should I do?
In the BepInEx log, there is a message [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete].

In the log, does it end with

[Info   :   BepInEx] 1 plugin to load
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [FunscriptPlugin 1.0.0]
[Info   :FunscriptPlugin] Plugin is loaded!
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete

This is the plugin that should be calling Edi. Does Edi not show anything next to “status” at the bottom? Pressing 1,2, 5 or 6 on the keyboard top row should also prompt Edi to print something to the status field. Do any of the keys cause a response from Edi?

Thanks for the reply. The logs are showing the same.
Nothing appears next to “Status” at the bottom of the Edi and there is no response when any of the keys are pressed.

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Just to clarify, I mean to push the number keys when in the game. The plugin listens for the keys to either pause/resume/change range with a call to Edi.

Are you able to access the page when double-clicking the swagger link?

If you can’t, you’re firewall or antivirus might be blocking Edi from listening for connections.
If Edi is accessible, then it could be that the game’s connection attempts are blocked by a firewall/antivirus.

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Hi, sorry, work has been crazy in preparation for holiday season.

I was able to figure out the problem. It turns out my anti-virus was quarantining funscriptmod.dll. Once I restored the file and booted up the game, it started working normally. Looking forward to the full game mod :smile:

Thanks for replying!

Added Drain Mansion demo to the main post.

I think I managed to get the animations to play slower overall. There seem to be some quirks where the script will go out of sync, but it didn’t happen often enough for me to narrow down a cause. It could just be down to timing.

I added in logic to bring the animation speeds down to 0.6x of their defaults. This made it so that the scripts can stay within reasonable speeds.
Let me know if you think they should be faster / slower.

Regarding Holy Hand Device, I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to mod it for integration. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of documentation on the engine being used. I usually look over a game’s code to get a feel and understanding for the underlying engine, but the developers opted to compile their code which makes it unreadable. Maybe in the future there’ll be another game using this engine that doesn’t obscure it’s code and I can use it to design an approach. But until then, I’m going to have to skip this one.


I don’t know how to apply the mods for Succubus Prison and Drain Mansion, but I have both games. I want to know the detailed installation method, I want it on Mega.

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When you say you have both games, do mean the paid versions? These mods won’t be compatible, unfortunately. In their current state they’ll only work for the demo versions.

If you install the Succubus Prison mod to the full game, best case scenario is you’ll revert the game back to the demo version. Worst case, it’ll just crash because other code is referencing things from the full game that didn’t exist in the demo.

What can I add to the README to make it easier? If there’s something unclear, I’ll go back and address it. Let me know what you’re having trouble with.


for drain mansion specifically.
-downloaded demo for version 1.4 in the itchio storepage.
-downloaded a fresh install of edi from the top of the page.
-downloaded the demo mod
-followed all steps exactly as written however…
*none of the files contained a “Edi.pdb” or “Edi.Core.pdb”
*The patcher folder for the drain mansion BepInEx is empty, not sure if this is correct.

the game connection to edi does not work. connection for galleries to be played for intiface via direct selection playback does.

Hope this helps


Please add multi-axis tag as some games have multiaxis (e.g. Afterschool Tag)

As Thadius mentions, there were no files containing “Edi.pdb” or “Edi.Core.pdb”. I would like to see detailed instructions on how to download BeplnEx added to the README. Also, if it’s a free game, it might be a good idea to release it with mods applied.

Why would you need these files? As far as I know they’re only used to debug code. Were they referenced in some error?

The Patchers folder is generated by BepInEx on first launch. It’s empty by default unless you make use of it. All my code is in the plugin in the plugins folder.

There is an issue with the newest Edi where it’s failing to start the communication server for games to talk to it. I’m in talks with dimnogro with a possible solution.

You don’t need to download BepInEx as it’s already included. All it takes is to copy the files to the game directory and it should just work.

The reason I don’t normally include the games themselves is because I believe the developers deserve the sale. For demos it might be a different story, but it’s only two clicks away from the store link above and I’d prefer not to unnecessarily use up MEGA storage space.

I didn’t connect with the latest version of EDI either, but using the old version of EDI, I did connect with the game