To4st - Game Mods (Latest Game: Lost in the World of Succubi | Latest Demo: Corrupt Descent)

I’m currently working on a few game requests so I won’t be able to complete another demo mod for this week.
I also won’t have as much time the next few weeks to dedicate so I think now is as good a time as any to start another poll.

This will be to vote on which game should get a complete mod.

  • Succubus Prison ~House of Lewd Demons~ Game | Eng Patch
  • Inma Labyrinth ~Succubus Dungeon~ Gaiden DLsite
  • Pleasure of Depravity DLsite
  • Drain Mansion
  • Continue with demos
0 voters

Genuinely curious why succubus dungeon gaiden is so popular, does it have a translation somwhere? Don’t really get why you would vote for a game that doesnt even have an MTL available.


Thinking the same thing tbh, the game looks good so hopefully works whenever the translations come out, but kinda useless for me at least until then. Appreciate Toast regardless


The game is available in English though?

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Where at?

@Bl0tak @NV-Succu-Chan
Yeah, under settings, the third menu item, you can select English

For other Unity games without English, you can use XUnity Auto Translator for MTL that uses Google translate.

Edit: Might be second menu item in trial version. Second for me was Gallery


I have a Suggestion for Night of Revenge. I saw a post about it here and it was worked on but it seems like it got abandoned. Maybe u could try to revive it would be awesome :slight_smile:


Hey to4st, I remember you mentioning that you had a request for dusk city integration a couple month ago, how is that going?

Hey i Downloaded everything and made the scripts work bit funscript won‘t Connect with my Handy Help ?

It seems that OSR2 and SR6 cannot use the EDI mod.

Recommending Aurelia, might be some of the best art and gameplay i’ve ever seen.

Is it possible to mod?

I’ll add it to my list of things to look at. There’s alot, so it might be a while before I can get to it :sweat_smile:

It was done as a request so I only provided the mod/code. I believe they might still be working on the scripts. I’ll have to ask.

Is this for a mod using Funscript Player? Can you specify which mod? Make sure your Handy is in Bluetooth mode so that it can connect. Alternatively you can connect your Handy to Intiface and disable the embedded server in Funscript Player’s appsettings.json file.

The newer versions of Edi can connect to TCode devices. I’m using an SR6 to test my mods. What’s the issue you’re facing? To connect, you select the COM port from the OSR dropdown and click reconnect. It should show up in the devices list after that.

Adding it to my list of things to look at. But like I mentioned above, it’ll be a while before I can get to it.
Modding possibility will depend on the engine that they used.

Wait what? How tf did i miss that?! Cheers To4st!

Drain Mansion demo isn’t working for me, downloaded the mod files from here, edi from the link in readme, made the folder structures, downloaded the free version from itch.
I can connect just fine through edi using intiface, however even though the connection is made, no scripts gets played

Also tried using wifi, same problem

I am using the handy

The latest Edi version has an issue where it fails to start listening for connections.

Try using an older Edi.exe if you have one.
If you don’t, you can download my mod for Otherworld Ruins ~Sacrifice of the Indecent Darkness~ which included an older version of Edi.

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I tried using an older version and that did the trick, thank you very much!

Out of curiosity, how come it’s not included anymore or at least in this release?

Yet again, thanks a lot for all your work! Looking forward to a possible full release of the game.

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Ill take the time to sift through the thread see if my error as been adressed but in case it’s not well the question will already have been posted. worst case ill edit my reply

I am trying to make the Battle fuck new term integration works and when i subsitue the plugins the game stop loading and shows this message

I am not tech savvy enough to read the plugins in the notepad and see what is the missing or erroneous link.

any help would be appreciated


@to4st it seems that animations in Drain Mansion demo with speed 60 say they are playing with x0.6 speed
Is it coded correctly and 60 is actually x1.0 speed as they should be?
As the 60 script doesn’t seem equal to nonumber script

Also IMO all speeds other then 60, 75, 60/2 and 75/2 can’t happed outside interpolation and should be rounded to one of those. Or can they?
Ah, I see, the gallery doesn’t have all the variants the game plays

Edit: was replaying in Hard Mode, had to script the funscript speed to 2x of what was there. With hardmode’s double speed, difference between script and screen was quite a bit more noticeable.

The link page can be accessed without any problem. I have no special antivirus software installed and it works fine with Escape from the Masochistic Male Bullying Classroom and Stigma of Lust.
There doesn’t seem to be any possibility that it is blocked by a firewall or anything else that I can see. Any solutions?