To4st - Game Mods (Latest Game: Lost in the World of Succubi | Latest Demo: Corrupt Descent)

Tried out some of the scripts and games, and gooshh these are amazing, thank you so much for making such amazing game mods~

I was curious tho, you have succubus dungeon there, but have you ever considered trying to script and mod the first succubus dungeon they made?
I’ll send a link to the DLsite here:

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to be fair, this kind of games isn’t great when integrated.
i personally dislike the RPG games, integrations are cool but the paces of the games mean that you usualy end up waiting 10mns for anything to happen until a script gets played.
if you play without a filler script, there’s not enough action to make the integration enjoyable to use.
it’s just a pacing problem related to the game itself.

on the other hand, side scrollers like setaria, lutellaria, xenotake, GHV, fallen angel, work great cause you don’t have very long pauses between actions.


Appreciate integration to whatever Game, the more the better, but after having played Setaria, Lutellaria and Fallen Angel, as well as bunch of RPG Games, i do have to agree

i will take side scrollers over any RPG Game now, cause they are by far way more fun to play with integration


I agree with other speakers.
In my imaginable Games For Scripting thread non-action games can’t get over 3 stars in scripting

If you are waiting for a scene for over a minute it’s not a game for strokers
(Horrors or other games with constant tension are fine I guess)


afterschool tag is good with the integration, so horror games do work as long as the pacing of the game isn’t too slow. it’s not much slower than the action side scrollers, so it’s good for what it is!
the dev of lutellaria and setaria is also preparing a horror game, which seems to be in that same vibe, from what i could see it’ll be a good candidate for an integration


Agreed with those above, side-scrollers seem to much more enjoyable in terms of integrations at least


Basically comes down to this, doesn’t necessary has to be a side scroller

To me, the Perfect Games for integrations, are the ones, that end up having me try to avoid encounters

If i had run into every encounter in Setaria (Nightmare mod), i wouldn’t have finished the Game, i probably still would be stuck in the first Stage :rofl:

Let’s not even talk about Lutellaria (Nightmare mod) and the very last rooms, this would have been borderline impossible, without avoiding anyone :joy:

But this is exactly how an integration should be in my opinion, it shouldn´t just be fun and pleasurable, it also should be able to ruin your run, literally, if you aren´t careful :smiling_imp:


You forget shooting
Look at my curves in my MfpLutellatiaPlugin

That’s why keep it simple and survivable, and bump weapon curves rather then game hardness

Jokes on you, i played Lutellaria purely Melee, only used gun to jump and dash :rofl:

Agreed, in a way, you basically want to move away from losing the Game, to trying to not lose irl instead :smiling_imp:

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“Otherworld Ruins ~Sacrifice of the Indecent Darkness”

I play this game often, but the twist axis doesn’t seem to work. Are there any settings I need to adjust?

Edi has “enablemultiaxis” in jayson

Thanks!! Ill try

It was already set to "EnableMultiAxis": true, but it still doesn’t work.

Do you have the patreon(1.32.1) version of MFP?
I have a EDI compatible plugin for it
(Not 100% compatible, it fepends on the game. But if something is missing adding it is not that hard)

Also make sure the gane actually had multiaxis for the scene you are trying to run

Yeah! I have MultiFunPlayer v1.32.1!

Here are all my MFP plugins
If something doesn’t work with some games do tell me
All scripts go into /Gallery subfolders, named as is for FunscriptPlayer or whatever you want for EDI(you’ll have to select it in dropdown)

IIRC, you can’t get multi-axis if you are doing EDI through Intiface, has to be through COM port (OSR in config).

Learned that when trying to get my SR6 to work wirelessly with my Steam Deck.

Did you connect the device using EDI only without using Intiface? When I tried that, the device didn’t move. It seems the connection isn’t working properly.

In the config there is a section to enable Multi Axis, but for it to work you have to enter the COMPort that your SR device is connected to.

Here is an example from my config. The COMPort may vary for you.

  "OSR": {
    "COMPort": "COM3",
    "EnableMultiAxis": true,
    "RangeLimits": {
      "Linear": {
        "LowerLimit": 0,

You should see your Device in EDI like this, if EDI is going to send Signals to it.

As previously mentioned, Intiface doesn’t support MultiAxis for SR Devices.

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Updated post with demo for Syahata’s Bad Day.

Lost in the World of Succubi was this poll’s winner for the next full game mod. I’ve recently finished scripting the enemies. All that’s left is to check and fix any outstanding bugs I can find. I’m hoping I’ll be able to release it sometime during the week.

Do you specifically mean only twist isn’t working? Does the device only move linearly?
There should be pitch and roll, but I didn’t script for twist for that game.