To4st - Game Mods (Latest Game: Lost in the World of Succubi | Latest Demo: Corrupt Descent)

Sick! looking forward to it already

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Yes Please :heart_eyes:


I really liked Syahata’s Bad Day, too.

Thank you for the demo, and I hope this game also has a full version


As far as i know the Game is finished, but as for a Full integration, it probably would need to win a poll first or if lucky, maybe someone else with the knowledge will pick it up

Haven’t tested the Demo with integration yet, but it indeed looks like a great Game for it


Got to try Syahata’s Bad Day, as expected, i am gonna pray for an integration of the Full Version someday, as well as some minor modifications to the Game, to name the two most obvious ones “escaping being way harder” and “sex animations fully looping”, it´s really a shame that they end so soon :stuck_out_tongue:

Also i love what you did with the background animations, this actually got me to stop and look at them for a while :joy:


Ripping me out of lurking just to say that I’d love a full version for Syahata’s Bad Day, on of my favorite porn games of the last few years.


By the way, could you consider dropping Demos including demo game files?
They should be free anyways

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@to4st I want to throw this out there to see if you have some input. Ive been trying some games and i cant seem to get the Lovense Gush 2 to connect to FSPlayer. Tried several versions of the player and cant get a good result. Turning on a gush 1 works, but the gush 2 acts like its not recognized.

Ive tried versions 1.4.2 and v 1.3.1, no luck
I can get it to immediately connect to intiface as a separate program, but not using CLI through funscript player. Thoughts?

Glad you liked it :grinning:
I’ll try to include your suggestions into the game when it wins the poll in the future.

I’ll see if I can do this going forward. My only concern is the space it’ll take up in my MEGA. I might have to restrict it to demos under a certain size.

The included CLI is probably very outdated at this point. You can disable its use in the appsettings.json file and use your own Intiface server. Just set EmbeddedButtplugServer to false.

Why not Pixeldrain?
It’s €4 / TB / month for Prepaid tier, and as Iong as you don’t care about files expiring in 120 days on not being visited by anyone (= never for public links) you may use storage-unlimiter Free or Patreon tiers

oh neato, ty ty . Had no idea that was a thing

i got more Ideas, granted majority would be stolen from Setaria/Lutellaria, but basically a hard mode like this two Games have, focusing on the integration, would work wonders on Syahata as well, not that the Base Game is bad

Sadly i have zero clue in how modding would work on this :joy:

Updated main post with mod for Lost in the World of Succubi.

I’m still working on Castle of Temptation, but it might take a bit longer than I expected. I thought I had it figured out, but there were some technical issues that cropped up. I think I got everything sorted now, so all that’s left is to script the animations.

Regarding the stores, does anyone know what the differences are between the and DLsite versions?

As much as I’ve used Pixeldrain for downloads in the past, I can’t believe it never occurred to me to use it myself for file hosting. I’ll try using it for a bit, but I already like the simplified interface.

Got any specific examples on how the game could be altered? I’d like to add and track them as enhancements on the github repo. I can try to implement them when the game gets voted.


I’m down to script a few scenes! Count me in!

I think it’s worth a thread to organize in detail. Even though there are +700 characters, and close to 1000 scenes, I think most people’s top 10, top 20, or even top 50 have a lot of overlap.
The upside of that, is that there are a lot of scenes people will not care about missing scripts for :laughing:

By the way, @to4st I’m slowly writing the API definitions for MFG (the MFP plugin)
Would you be up to make a build of some game you are working on for it?

I think the only difference between Castle of Temptation’s DLSite and is whether or not it has a mosaic.

I haven`t played the full game yet and knowing it´s likely to get an integration,
i now also try not to do so, just like with “Lost in the World of Succubi”,
if the opportunity is there, i like to go in blind :smiley:

Anyway just from the Demo itself, here are the things i could think of right now:

  • Struggling should be way harder, right now you pretty much decide if you want to watch the whole animation or not, it´s super easy to get out of them if you want to imo
    (Probably just number changes to how much the struggle bar fills on button presses)(On top, a mob jumping into an existing grab, making it a group, could make it even harder to get out, or by the time he jumps in, it resets your struggle bar)

  • Caught Animations should loop, right now, at the end of the Animation, the mobs are basically in an idle animation and you struggle out for free from there
    (After being idle for a brief moment, the mobs should start over and fuck you again)

  • Background NPC´s, like i said, i already like what you did there, but since the filler is lust based, watching them on top of “feeling it” could have further consequences
    (The longer you watch, the more your own lust increases and the higher your lust the “faster/harder” the filler goes)

  • Falling down requires the depletion of your Stamina bar and it´s very forgiving
    (Make it easier to fall, perhaps getting hit makes you lose double/triple the stamina or alternatively every 3 hit you take, guarantees a fall)

  • Guns, they are pretty much easy mode and should be nerfed
    (Less dmg? Have them use Stamina on top of Ammo?)

  • Melee, it´s already bad as is, unless you do require guns for anything later on in the game, going Melee only might be the most fun tbh
    (No clue why i wrote it her, wouldn´t need any changes)

In short, it´s mostly going to be number changes to make it more likely for the player to end up in grabs, after all this is where the majority of fun is in the integration :upside_down_face:

Other things i can think of, probably are way over the top and more like something for an actual nightmare mode, gonna list them anyway:

  • Double Enemy count

  • Randomize Enemies

  • Enemies Ambush now spawns as a group (Like when an enemy comes out of a door, now a whole group comes out instead)

  • Can´t struggle out of grabs, until Syahata came once in said grab

  • That move where she holds up here hands, no clue what this actually is for, well now there will be a small chance for her to do it instead of attacking :rofl:


The holding hands up if for submitting to an enemy withiut having to get hit a million times until stamina runs out. If this occasionally replaced an attack, you would be constantly getting fucked :smiling_face_with_tear:

That doesn`t sound like a bad thing to me :upside_down_face:

Maybe instead of making it easier to fall, there could be a chance of this to happen if you get hit, sounds like it would accomplish the same thing :thinking:

@to4st Played “Lost in the World of Succubi” til after the first Boss, mostly to see if everything works again, as well as being able to start playing from where things are new to me

Two things:

  1. Don´t think this happened to me on just getting caught itself, but by the time you run out of hearts and stay in an animation for a bit, it sometimes happens that the integrations moves away from the script for the animation, plays the filler for a bit instead and then goes back to the script for the animation, it´s not a big deal or anything, just wanted to let you know

  2. You did not… You really did script the jump as an action? Sure, i could turn it off, but why would i? It´s just funny to me that you decided to do it… This is going to mess with me so many times :rofl:

For some reason the scripts in Lost in the world of Succubi aren’t playing well on my handy. It’s stuttering like crazy and is unable to keep up with most of the scripts.
I’ve checked that im not using multi-axis on accident and my handy is updated to the newest firmware, anyone else got these issues?
Edit: for some reason these issues are only when using bluetooth via intiface