To4st - Game Mods (Latest Game: Lost in the World of Succubi | Latest Demo: Corrupt Descent)

Hey can you do me a tutorial how to do the files please i need your help. Im tryna use my pc and handy but i dont know what to do. Please help me thanks man

Which mod are you having trouble with? It should be pretty straightforward. The readmes should explain where to place the files.


When CoT full release?:smiley:
everything works fine

Thanks for answering but im having trouble to play “afterschool tag” i tried to do it and follow the step but im still lost asf. Do you have a screenshot or video tutorial for it? Im like visual learner i think. It be very much appreciated not only me for those who cant follow instructions too. Thanks you Toast! Cheers mate!

For the game files, it’s as simple as copying the two files from the zip file to the game folder and replacing the existing I’d recommend to make a backup of beforehand though.

For the script playback, grab the files from the zip of your choice in the scripts folder, and copy them to the scripts/afterschooltag folder in customplayer.

If you want, you can grab a newer version of my FunscriptPlayer from the top of my first post. The .funscript files just need to be in scripts/afterschooltag folder.

You can launch FunscriptPlayer first to see if it connects with your device. Then you can launch the game normally and it should send the correct commands to the player.

I’m currently working on multiple demos, but it’ll still be a while before they’re done. I figured I could start the poll for the next full game mod in the meantime.
So here it is:

Next Full Game Mod
0 voters

bless the mfs here going for the best one here :pray:


Can’t say that the Result so far surprises me, feel bad for all the other Games that have to compete with this :joy:


Any plans on doing any of boko877’s games? Like ultimate fighting girl 2

I can add the demo to my list of things to look at. It’s a large and growing list, so it might be a while before I get to it.


CoT integration was promised and taken away time and time from us. I think we finally deserve to see it to completion at last :sob:


i am not against it, just sad that Syahata is in it as well, but it will get another chance surely :slight_smile:


I woted for Syahata exactly because it wouldn’t win
What’s the point of voting for the clear winner anyways, you knew it’ll win far before the poll

Man all these options are so good, makes picking one very difficult haha

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ture,dude!If I had a supercomputer, I could pick more than one option at a time,I can’t really pick one, and perhaps Castle of Temptation has made many people wait too long for this day

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I really hope we can get 99DM in for the scripts in COT, best game scripter imo!


SuccubusDungeon is not linking properly.
The interface, Handy, and EDI are connected, but there is no movement in the animation, and EDI does not recognize the script.
I need help.

Is Edi not showing any status updates? Could mean the mod isn’t functioning properly, or communication is being blocked by firewall.
Is BepInEx generating any logs? There should be some in the BepInEx folder when launching the game. You can send me the logs if you’d like me to take a look.

I do have some interest in CoT scripting


Updated post with mod for Max the Elf’s demo.
Mind the content warning, this content is a bit different from what I’ve modded before.

I have two more demo mods that are basically done and just finishing up testing / fixes.
They will be Succubus Stronghold Seduction and Corrupt Descent.

Once these are up, my focus will fully switch to the winner of the game poll.