To4st - Game Mods (Latest Game: Lost in the World of Succubi | Latest Demo: Corrupt Descent)

I think youre getting the issue mixed up based off the terms youre using. Let me know if this isnt the case.
The program doesn’t stop responding. It never begins responding to the mod files and game. It grabs the gallery files and they gallery files are manually playable in the gallery list

The files just arent seeming to be triggered by the game. The full folder that originally was posted by to4st with the demo included, works fine. But trying with the files from either of the mod folders on the v1.1 game has zero response.

Follwing your steps, EDI responds to multiple of the gallery options with its " Ignored Not Found {name}"
Playing a script manually in EDI and then using the EDI/Stop command does cause the app to stop the manual script.
Ive made sure im only moving mod files, im doing exactly as the readme instructs, and ive also tried starting the game once after installing bepinex, and then on another version installing bepinex, closing at the main menu, then re opening and trying again.

In your terms it seems to be a mod issue, though the mod works fine on the demo version folder, but moving those files to the full game v1.1 causes the mod to not work.

Does the BepinEx console open when launching the game?
Are there any log files in the BepInEx folder? If there are, could you send me those?

Also, I just want to point out that the only reason to really use the full game is to avoid the bug I mentioned before. The only content I’ve scripted so far is that which you can find in the demo. Basically just the first level.

ahh i see, fair enough i guess. Should be a good one for a full mod eventually though. Seems sick so far.
The console does not open. I do not see any logs either.

Is there a way to mod a game like this one ?
Since everything seems random.


If so could someone explain to me how in a simple way (to see if I try to mod myself it would result in it being simple or not).

Thanks :turtle:

iirc you could try scripting it using cheat engine, game values, and xtoys. I dont know how to code or mod, but i do a lot of unity and i imagine you might be able to have scripts that loop and can be sped up or down depending on if they game gives a “fast” or “slow” command and so on. Im sure to4st and others will have better input than me though.

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@HumbleKarpDev Sounds like BepInEx isn’t starting with the game. Can you share a screenshot of the game directory? Is the winhttp.dll file next to the exe?

@Nekomatata I think every Live2D Unity game I’ve modded so far has all the Live2D movements controlled by an animator. Even if the game has some randomized logic, if you can get a hold of the animator, you can use that to see what animation is playing and call the appropriate scripts.

It’ll be quite a bit more tricky for games that don’t take this approach. Would be beneficial to look at the game code itself using something like dnspy to see how they control the animations. For unity games, if they didn’t opt to compile to C++, you can find the code in the Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp file. Just drag it into dnspy and you’ll be able to look at all the game scripts.

Alternatively, you can look at @Dimava’s method that uses the sprite/mesh positions to calculate the correct device axis. It was used for the mod shared here

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Everything seems there. all ive done is download the full game v1.1, dropped the clean mod files in the main folder, dropped the gallery folder in the edi folder, started edi, started the game. I did other methods too on other new folder versions as well to make sure i wasnt carry over one issue to another folder to test something else like the edi fix you sent me or a different version of the gallery files extensions

Are there any non-roman characters in the game’s directory path? Everything looks like it’s in the right place. Can’t think of anything else at the moment that could be an issue.

Do you have the demo and full game under the same parent directory?

Theyre in their own folders,
ive tested them in different locations as well already, via my c drive downloads and my B drive 2tb m.2 that theyre in currently.
Ive changed no files that are in the full game folder. Everything that is in it is directly from the donwloads above.

The only non Standard english text is a log for controls that isnt read or used by the game or mod . removing this did not make the mod work

Are you able to zip the entire game and send it to me as-is? Maybe I can figure something out by having the files myself.
You can send me a link in a private message.

Welp another great game for a Full Integration, Demo worked fine for me, only issue i had was a bug that is very likely caused by the Demo itself. :joy:

If you go where the Paradise Key is and keep running right, ignoring the actual exit, you get into another room with an exit that is closed, Succubi grab you and well that’s where it stops, it refuses to game over you at that point, doubt it has anything to do with the integration though

Also this one Released:

Seems to be a short one with only 16 scenes


I think that’s a bug in the demo as well. It goes to game over like it’s supposed to in the full version.

Reminds me of Otherworld Ruins. Might check it out and squeeze it in between some of the other demos if it’s good.


Is there something to do with synchro issues? I tried Lost in the world of succubi but the delays are huge and not sure how to fix it.
I’m connecting EDI to Intiface and intiface is connecting with bluetooth. Maybe there’s a better way to do this?

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To be fair, i could have tested it on the Full Version, but i was to lazy :roll_eyes:

Was thinking the same, even so it isn’t the same Dev
It’s clearly inspired by another Game, don’t remember the name though
Also don’t even bother looking at his first game, unless you like frustration, cause that’s all it is

Oh and Thanks, knowing this thread i know always end up thinking “Could -insert game here- be good for an integration” :joy:

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Have u tried connecting through wifi instead?

I don’t see wifi on intiface. I’m using the handy. What’s the way to connect with wifi?

bro i need your help

Intiface is for bluetooth connection specifically. You gotta input your Handy key into the EDI while Handy is in wifi mode and connect that way

So if you press once instead of holding the button you use to get the handy to go into bluetooth mode it should show a purple colour on the LED instead of blue. Then it is in wifi-mode, then you can input your handy key into EDI and it will connect. If you use this method intiface is not needed.

Oh ok i didn’t know EDI has direct access to wifi. I just thought it works like Funscript so i went straight ot bluetooth. Thx for the help man i’ll switch to wifi then.