To4st - Game Mods

that would be awesome if you did that thanks! And yes i was trying to mod afterschool tag.

MEGA link

You’ll notice my scripts were labeled separately for left and right. This was only done for multi axis where some angles would change depending on the direction the player was facing when the animation started.

If you’re just scripting linear motion, then you can just script for left and make copies for right when you’re done as the linear movement wouldn’t be different. I probably should have incorporated logic into the mod so this wasn’t neccessary for linear devices, but I was in a rush and it didn’t seem that important. Sorry for that extra bit of inconvenience.

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i just realized 99dm has already scripted this and he’s way better than me. If its alright with to4st and 99dm I’ll use 99dm’s scripts and share them here

Man, I have spent hours trying not to get these to work, but to figure out how you did this. I am attempting to replicate your technique into other games. But I’m just not getting it. Do you have a breakdown, tutorial or guide I may have overlooked or nothing avi at this time, or simply just not interested in teach, regardless there is no wrong answer!

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Sorry to say I don’t have any tutorials. It’s hard to find the time just to mod and script the games themselves.

The fact that two of these games are made in RPGMaker makes it much easier to mod than most others. The javascript of the engine itself is kinda open to modify anyway you want.
But thankfully with these games, all of the logic I needed to hook into was mostly provided by plugins.

I first started with just trying to find the logic that starts, stops and/or changes the speed of the animated video.
Most of my code I threw into the ButtplugImplementation.js file. There are three functions that I override that are from the MoviePicture.js plugin. This is the plugin both games use to manage their video playback. If you did a search in the file for “moviepicture”, they should be right next to eachother.

Once you’re hooked into that, it’s just a matter of communicating the start or stop of the script to an external program. In my case I used my own custom solution, but you can make use of EDI that was recently released by dimnogro.

If you’re looking into modding another RPGMaker game, and they are also using the moviepicture plugin, odds are you could probably use my file with minor changes to make it work.

This is just concerning RPGMaker though.
In general, my approach would be to find out what is managing the animation playback in a game, and then to see what information can be pulled from it. Then build from there.

If you were referring to Afterschool Tag, then the stuff I mentioned is less relevant. But the methodology stays the same.
Do you maybe have any specific questions? Clearing up some things could have it make more sense.


Hey! No need to say sorry because I appreciate the reply regardless!

Well that explains quite alot, I was searching several game (including old ones) and just looking to see where to start. I assumed the RPGM games would be easier but when I search most of them they dont share the same info of course, did some research and saw that well. Not all are the same. I assumed it was a different process of exporting movies files from the game (some games have a movie folder that is empty, some dont have it at all) script the clip animations then tell it to play when it runs but I was way wrong.

But you explained exactly what I was missing and I will also check out EDI

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99dm scripts for afterschool tag

I did my best to import 99dm’s scripts most of it went pretty well but I can’t get hachi / the 8 foot woman to work. Its scripted well, I think, I never got to test it since it wont work. Maybe someone else can look at that. Also right and left scripts are identical in this download.


Hello there! Thanks for taking the time to put this all together. I’m excited to give it a shot, but I’m running into a bit of a problem.

When I’m not in the mood to set up my Handy, I like to use my Gush. However, I’m having no luck getting it to work so far.

Granted, this is my first time using FunscriptPlayer and I haven’t tested it with the Handy, but I’m trying to get it working on @Falafel’s scripts here.

I’ve changed set ConvertLinearToVibrate = true:

It detects both the device and the game:

However, there is absolutely no response. Would you have any ideas on how I can proceed from here?

When you open the Simulate Game window, are all the scripts listed in the dropdown? It could be that they were placed in the incorrect folder. There’s also an option to start playing a script from the window, could you give that a try and let me know if it works?

English DLC for Succubus Academia JUST dropped today:

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So I think something breaks when the DLC is installed so the scripts don’t play anymore. I believe it’s technically looking for a different “game” since the original was just “Succubus Academia” but with the expansion installed it becomes “Succubus Academia Expansion 1.1.3”. The filler stop doesn’t even register until I load up the “old” non-DLC version.


I’m not sure how to tell the Funscript Player to instead scan/look for the “other” game.exe (if I even can do that from my end), or what it would be called. But I think that would fix it.

Not that it really matters, since the new DLC hasn’t been scripted yet anyway.

Yes, for now the mod only works with the base english vanilla version. An update to the mod for the expansion version of the game is coming. @to4st has already finished the base logic, I am just helping test and finishing implementing some new features.

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Ah, perfect. I’ve been messaging @99DM about his plans for making an EDI .csv script file here. Once he does that, I’ve volunteered to take the big script from that and split it up into the individual files to get them compatible with this mod as well.

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These scripts are incredibly jerky on my Handy, and the orgasm scripts last much longer than the animation on screen. Did you test these on a different toy? Also, Hachi works fine for me.

I tried it on my handy in game and everything synced up great, Apart from hachi. You need to be in wifi mode for it to work

Are you using the CustomPlayer that comes with To4st’s mod? I didn’t think it was able to connect with WiFi…

oh i mustve been thinking of a dofferent game. Does it work fine in gallery mode?

Gallery mode just plays the scripts as they are, so same issue there yeah.

well if others have the same issue ill have to simplify the scripts