Can anyone recommend a good way to compare similar scripts?
I mostly want to see the differences in similar scripts.It’d great to have simple way to overlay heat maps (or something), or compare next to each other (probably easier to compare on top/bottom of each other rather than side-by-side)
If I had Photoshop, I could see just using layers, but I’m looking to see if there’s a more simple way that I’m overlooking that this community is more familiar with.
Not sure if this thread belongs in this category…
Open the two funscripts in OFS maybe ?
Open the media, and add the 2 existing scripts.
They will be shown together, one over the other.
You’ll we be able to navigate and see the differences.
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Thank you.
As a non-scripter that hasn’t used OFS, this sounds straight forward…
@ptitcerf What you suggested does indeed meet my needs! It’s also nice that I can pan through the video/scripts and look at specific parts and look at the rendering more closely.
Do you know it’s possible to do the same with the heatmap? Currently I’m only able to show 1 heatmap at a time.
I don’t know if this would be beneficial to anyone else, but it would be cool if there was display option to show them overlay-ed on top of each other. Either the script render and/or the heatmap. I’m sure there’s many better feature’s you’re working on, but thought I’d throw it out there.