Unable to use or add any tags other than length tags

If I go to make a new free script topic, only length tags are available to select, so I’m unable to tag things like “Furry”, “BDSM”, to help people find those scripts and prevent them from showing up to those who have muted the tags. I’m also only able to add length tags to my existing topics. Strangely, if I set the topic category to “General”, all tags become available to use again. :thinking:

This has never been a problem before. I logged out and logged back in, but I’m not sure what else I can do.

Any and all help is appreciated!

It seems to work fine for me.
Can you send a screenshot of what you see?

Clickling on the tag field in the Free Scripts category brings up the length tags and nothing else.

Attempting to type in any letter that is not present in the length tags gives a “No matches found” result:

For some reason the Paid Scripts category only has VR and Non-VR to choose from:

Most other categories, including Script Requests, Game Mods, and Incomplete Scripts seem to have all of the available tags:

Length tags are mandatory, you have to choose one, next type of video (animation, real) before any others tags. Should have 2 or 3 mandatory tags.

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Huh, you’re right. That must be a very recent change. Still though, why would only the free scripts category operate that way?

EDIT: I realize that even though they’re slightly different the Paid and Free scripts categories are working the same way. I have no further confusion lol.

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Yes this is recent, was surprised too, but I like this idea.
I never post in paid script so did not see this, but should be the same principle.
U should choose between ce or no-vr certainly, after the length / type, and you can add extra tags after that

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