
I think the board on my handy broke down due to eh… water damage. What can i do to save it? Is there anything i can do with it now? And should i buy something else?

You know you broke it yourself. If you know nothing about electronics and don’t own a soldering iron, you should give up any notion of fixing it.

That would leave you with the question of whether to just buy a new one or try something else. In my opinion, the only thing worth using other than the Handy is the OSR2, though it’s important to be aware of what differences there are. The OSR2 has notably higher performance, but it’s a DIY hobby project, even if you buy one assembled. There are no safety features, and because it’s based on servos, it’s quite loud.

The SSR1 is something you should look into as well, but I have no personal experience with it. It apparently remedies the noise issue with the OSR2, but it comes with limitations as well. As near as I can tell, it is pretty similar to the Handy in terms of performance, but is still a DIY project that’s more complicated to build than an OSR2.

Do your own research and draw your own conclusions.

Well you brought an electronic close to water, so yeah, yeah dun fucked up. If you’re in this forum asking about it the automatic assumption should be that you don’t have the technical knowhow or the skills to break it open and fix it yourself.

Your options are stick it in a bag of rice(the cheapest option) and hope it saves it as if it was a waterlogged phone(if you plugged the device in while it was wet you probably shortcircuited/fried something so at this point its dead dead) or buy a new device.

If you’re trying to be cheap, buy another handy since im assuming you have the accessories and handsfree setup for it already.

If you’re looking to upgrade and go multiaxis you can buy a premade OSR2+, FUNSR with a Twist or an SR6.

Idk if anyone is selling prefabricated SSR1’s yet.

Not saying i didnt break it, but there should be a shield or casing around the board in my opinion. If i am to buy another handy, id put a plate in between the “screw” and the board to protect it from spills. Looking at SR6 and osr both seem like a fun solution but osr seems to be the better option for me. Only thing im concerned about is the remote controllability of them. Handy can be easily used with your phone but is there something similar for these? I have no means to repair the board so id say the device is gone. No amount of soldering will fix this fuckup and im not good enough with electronics to find out what parts i need to replace to fix it.