Any thoughts to having an “Unread” posts section like on RTS. Me personally, that’s the only page I use on RTS. It allows me to stay on top of everything that’s changed since I last did some reading. I click through all the posts on the list resulting in an empty list when done. This ensures I never miss a post or a comment on a previous post.
I’m not really understanding how this new site manages history - when I return to say the Scripts category it puts a red line between when I last logged in and it seems to make some posts that I’ve previously read slightly greyed which is all fine and good but may get hard to see/manage in a few years when there are 1000’s of posts.
I see the “Latest” button which seems to be selected by default, but I see no “Unread” button.
The above image is a screen cap of the Site Requests category viewed by me a few seconds ago. How do I know which of these is “New” since I already read all of these yesterday; and, which of these have had new replies?
I’m still learning how this forum works too. Here’s where you find the Unread link:
Now that I look at it closer though it appears that Unread is different here. It’s just for posts you’re following. Perhaps Latest or New are closer to what you’re thinking but I’m not sure.