Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

I agree with free speech. You have every right to complain about and argue whatever point youd like. Just as the people who you disagree with have the right to say so. Thats what free speech is. You think one thing and make your opinions known. If someone says you are wrong thats not a violation if your right to free speech. That is free speech. Nobody is stopping you from speaking your mind.

But a website deciding what content they choose to host on their platform or not is not violating your freedom of speech. They are doing what they believe is best for the site. You dont have to agree with it but you cant claim it as a violation of free speech.


Aight, time to pack it up. Time to move to a better site.


Knew this kind of dog shit decision was coming sooner or later. Arguing about it is futile. Time to just pack up and leave


I was just about to ask if anyone knows any alternative sites for these types of scripts. Are there people posting scripts on this site?
Unless anyone knows about any other options available out there where these types of scripts can be posted.

Especially since I get a feeling that “the moral police” are just gonna straight up report any BA script posted since none of them are over 18 in the game (except like 4 characters).

Posting a topic now about it


any and all suggestions would be great


Censorship and Freedom-of-Speech only pertains to the government and nothing else. The goverment is not involved here so your arguement does not apply.


I’ve argued tirelessly over the years that this is a stupid ban, but i guess the outcry of the idiots finally got to the mod team.

I’m fucking tired of arguing the point, absolutely nobody in this thread is changing their mind one way or the other.


That is your personal opinion on the ban. Just because someone has a differing opinion does not make them an idiot. Unfortunately the US Justice System disagrees with you about Loli.

As a result of the PROTECT Act of 2003, lolicon meets the federal criteria for child pornography. If you are caught in possession of lolicon or shotacon, you could face federal criminal charges and significant prison time if convicted.

Possessing loli is illegal under federal law if the anime depiction of an underage person is obscene and it was transmitted through the mail, internet, common carrier, or transported across state lines, or there is proof there was intent to distribute or sell it.

Notably, simple possession of loli is not illegal under federal laws unless you possess a large amount of it, which prosecutors could allege you have the intent to sell or distribute. Unless you created the loli images yourself, federal prosecutors would not have difficulty proving that you received the loli over the internet or through the mail.

This website is a literal distribution center of content and are therefore a legal target. Like I said before, owners of a private community are not risking going to jail because you want to get off.

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Im no law expert but im pretty sure the 2003 act that you just quoted was deemed unconstitutional, or at least some parts of it. No one in the US is getting arrested for downloading or viewing loli porn. If the person was consuming illegal content AND lolicon, i think thats the only way you could be charged for it. Again not a law expert lol.


in the 6 or so cases that were documented that was the case yes

Smh my head…

Guess ATF is going to have to suffice.

This sucks man…


I understand erring on the side of caution, but it doesn’t sit right that these scripts need to be removed if the issue is the content of the videos they are created for. While it’s understandable to ban this kind of content, there isn’t an inherent difference between a loli script and a non-loli script. Without context, they are indistinguishable. Couldn’t these threads just have offending attachments/links aggressively pruned?

However, if the scripts themselves count as offending content, this presents some interesting cases. If I borrowed patterns from a loli script, and used them in a different script for a non-loli video, it seems this second script would be containing loli content and be against the rules. How could this offending content even be identified? It seems like an absurd hypothetical (because it is), but I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a few edge cases like this on the site.

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I believe the motivation is that those linked sites have a DMCA takedown system. This is also why this site doesn’t allow torrents; no DMCA takedown system for torrents.


you could say the name of the video and the site it’s on letting people find it for example HMV mania

Feels like you guys are kind of just grasping for nothing. Why go through all these hoops and headaches to try to figure out a way to go around the ban? Which likely won’t work since individual posts can be reviewed and deleted, either for this ban or what would probably equate to low/no effort posts.

There are alternates being discussed where this content is allowed full stop, why not just share your scripts and related discussions in those places? Where you won’t have to worry about circumnavigating the rules and the whole community is in favor of the content and not divided on it. If script users want scripts of this content they will find the scripts, wherever they’re hosted.


Yeah you weren’t the right person to reply to but I don’t know how/if that can be undone or changed

don’t even call children 3d loli that’s not what you should say

This is an entirely incorrect judgement of an old law that only shows up on google. Lolicon specifically does NOT meet the federal requirements for CSEM because it requires some kind of relation to a real person in real life. This is the reason why Shadbase got in trouble when he started drawing REAL people. Even MeatCanyon got in trouble on instagram because he drew Tom Brady’s son in a cartoon. Other countries like France have anime loli and beasiality as illegal but they also let Cuties get an award and be created so I don’t think they’re a good basis for anything on that.


it’s just so we can still share it and not break the rules of the site. if nothing but a script is shared here there is no legal risk to the site and therefore it should be fine

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