Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

Nah, let them. What is a day without a healthy dose of sarcasm and irony? If they flagged it, at least you can be sure they read it :slight_smile:

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Edger447’s replies were flagged as off-topic. Much as I enjoyed reading the short essay on psychoanalysis of lolicon script users, I fear this could redirect the discussion back into the endless spiral of morality debate of the subject, so I let it stay hidden.

“Ban media but keep script” was brought up internally a couple of times. It wasn’t accepted in the end as there ought to be some way in the topic to pin back to the media and therefore become difficult to maintain. It wasn’t because the staff are concerned about how the use of Funscript would shift the psychology of the recipient of lolicon art. At least the U.S. code showed less interest in what goes on in the brains of an Otaku than Saito Tamaki.


That’s very fair. The frivolous flags I’m referring to are replies that are back at this point, I have no doubt there have been reasonable flagging in this mess of a topic.

If that’s the case, it needs to be made more clear. This is the first mod communication of loli/shota scripts being banned, and it’s not even a direct statement, it’s implied. All other communication is about the ban of loli/shota “content”, of which the OP goes out of its way to define as visuals, with no mention of scripts, external links, etc. Nobody is going to find this buried 300+ posts deep into a flamewar! (props to you all for leaving the topic open despite this)

I feel like an insane person for having to ask this, but whatever. If it’s ostensibly the topic of the thread, why isn’t there a plain statement explicitly saying that loli/shota scripts are banned? This is a site for sharing scripts, not visuals. How is that not the first point. idgi



that right there is the exact issue. this site has never hosted actual content only links to it. now lets say the links are not allowed and neither are the visual images that are previews. or perhaps the visuals are heavily blurred for example this would be understandable

but instead its just blanket ban on all of it including scripts too. you know. the only thing actually shared here other than the preview images.

but i think if they just said hey look you can post scripts and thats it. it would be a okay because no law is able to ban funscripts lmfao.

ps. they should focus on fixing the site performance instead of this. the site is literally unusable right now. and for a site that just hosts images and txt files basically thats pretty bad.


We are very up front about piracy in the site. as long as content is hosted off of the forum we dont hold liability. torrent magnets are disallowed for this reason.

magnet links make us liable because P2P protocols has precedent with the pirate bay that magnet links can hold us liable.

Direct downloads have no liability problems if we are not hosting the content. at most we host thumbnails/gifs. and if that was enough for litigation you could persue way bigger fish than us.

I personally have no moral issue with loli content. its not a real child. No one is being hurt. but my opinions dont change US Law.
Here if you’d like to read:

a)In General.—Any person who, in a circumstance described in subsection (d), knowingly produces, distributes, receives, or possesses with intent to distribute, a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is obscene.

Accusations about the mods moral compass are immature and dont solve any problems.


:slight_smile: I said this in a DM to someone -

It’s like you invite someone to your house and ask them to take their shoes off before coming in. Instead of taking their shoes off off, or simply leaving, they stand there on your porch and yell at your closed door for hours. All the while binging up scientific papers regarding bacteria on shoes vs. socks, their particular orthopedic needs, toenail length, and religious beliefs.

The meme regarding “arguing on the internet is like competing in the special Olympics” plays in my head every time I see this thread at the top of the site when I visit.


if you aren’t hosting the content why does that law even matter?


Exactly. If it’s your site, you make the rules. If not, follow the rules. Goes no further. Accept them or leave.


Then why aren’t we allowed to link other sites with torrents like “my jav bay” when someone looks for a source then? It’s not a magnet link to the torrent file itself.

I mean, it’s fine. Torrent’s a no-go and always has been here so it’s not like you yoinked it unceremoniously out of the blue.

Oh, pipe down, will you.

You’ve made it very clear where you stand on the matter, you’re just rubbing your hands together at this point pretending to be objective and impartial.

It’s a forum, yeah, people will discuss things. Especially if they were left vague and suddenly sprung on people.

I’m also wondering that as he literally just said:

Like I said. I’ll abide regardless of how I feel about it and it’s not gonna make me stop using the forum but there’s parts that don’t quite make sense and I just want to really understand.

and I guess I’m never gonna get a clear answer on the topic of Atomi Shuri and Lala kudo or other performers like them. Some of Lala’s scenes are too much for me tbh but does it make it “obscene” and worthy of ban?

I’m thinking of this one in particular

I’m actually surprised it’s still on SLR tbh.

If it was up to me, a lot of loli content that’s been deemed obscene would be much less of a risk than that.


As you mention. its questionable. theres no definite yes or no. We want to steer clear of litigious attention and loli content at least in the geographical location of the server says no but no clear metric of what is and isnt allowed.

We want to steer clear of it entirely to avoid knocks at our doors.

We’ve been back and forth enough about everyones concerns that we think it would be easier to avoid the issue entirely. We don’t take censorship lightly and this is why we haven’t banned other things.

Our stance is effectively like so:
If the law permits, and no one is hurt, its no one else’s business.


so whats wrong with just posting scripts?


It’s incredibly hard to just post scripts here. When people post scripts, they want the video to go with them, which leads to people posting links. And links, even if hosted elsewhere, still make Eroscripts liable for sharing them.

It would also be kinda of silly to share scripts for a loli video where you can’t say loli, can’t post images, can’t link to the video in reference, etc. It makes more sense to ban it outright.

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but that wouldnt be against the rules would it?

i could post the script a blurred or non explicit preview and post a link to the site for example https://hmvmania.com
and the name of it
and people can find it themselves


if someone has to go out of their way to find it elsewhere than its not an issue is it?

so long as no direct link to the video is supplied i don’t see how this is a problem.


It wouldn’t be, I suppose, but there would be no incentive. Like “Here’s a script for loli video ‘2sdjkgf8dg8f8g’. Can’t show you what it is or where you can find it, but I’m sharing it anyway.”

the incentive is there

video name + website its on = you go to search bar and find it. this isnt hard to understand. and it wouldn’t be not allowed in terms of the sites rules.

i would say lets say the video’s name is explicit well i don’t think that would even matter lol.

as long as its not an image video link or otherwise even if i link the site its on like hmv mania for example anyone can just search for the video if its still there


Not exactly the same thing, but this is how I would view it personally. There’ve been recent paid scripter bans on Gumroad and Payhip. Even though some paid scripters are not uploading any NSFW visuals or listing actor or scene names and only uploading a funscript (and linking to ES), they’re still getting banned because it seems that funscripts are now deemed as NSFW content and doesn’t sit well with Visa/MC. If they have influence to consider funscripts created for adult use as adult content, then perhaps US law could consider funscripts created for use with loli/shota as ‘obscene’ adult content as well.

Again, I know this isn’t directly tied to CC companies, but I’d say it’s still related. The chances of getting in trouble are probably low now, but when you host a website with many users, it paints a bigger target on your back and it gets bigger the more popular it gets. And you wouldn’t want to be the lucky one who gets made an example of by law enforcement.

Loli/shota are the target because that’s what society as a whole sees as a more significant problem than others, whether you agree with it or not. I would not expect the mod team to become martyrs for you. If your risk tolerance allows for it, then you can attempt to do so yourself on your own site.


well im gonna say big press x to doubt on that one

scripts alone, the thing this site is made to share should be fine


you could even skip posting the name and just put it in the metadata of the funscript