Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline


I don’t think anyone is creating real funscripts to get off on these fictional drawings, this might be a important distinction. If you think it is the same, why you don’t host it? It is easy to say “is not an issue” when someone else’s skin is in the game.

what do u mean by real funscripts? lmao if you mean actual cp no i don’t think anyone here is. and no i’d never host that.

but idc about hosting cunny. also its not like this site ever has hosted anything but scripts and links. its the sites actually hosting stuff that would get in trouble.

i think i understand whats actually happened and its paranoia because of the mega ban shit. and this is understandable.


The way I understand the response from @hugecat is that he doesn’t want to risk legal trouble, despite the almost non-existent chance of any.
And he’s willing to piss off a substantial portion of the platform to avoid the risk.

That’s fine, I’m still not happy about it, but it’s his decision. Just be upfront about it. The lack of info regarding why the ban was happening in the initial post was ridiculous.

So vague that of course it was gonna cause outrage.

So in a few years, if CG bestiality has the same sort of reputation as loli hentai, it’ll get banned. Right now they’re figuring out the line for what is and isn’t a loli, but that line shifts, and in a few years, those remaining posts will go too if @hugecat deems it’s too risky.

Anything the owners don’t want to deal with will get removed.
That’s certainly not the kind of site I’m gonna support.


Great, it wasn’t even a week and we already have conspiracy theories. At this rate you will blame it on 5g waves by the end of the week.

But seriously, I’m sure this decision was made for a reason, noone is anonymous in the internet and if hugecat and others don’t feel comfortable with some content hosted here they have all the rights to get rid of it. If you are upset you can always create your own site where you host anything you want, stop being childish.


I mean actual funscript files that exist and get shared for people to get off, for me that is the obvious venture outside of moe / 萌え (the emotion associated with enjoying loli art).
The temptation the artists are creating by combining innocence and childishness with eroticism, it is hardly possible anywhere outside of drawing, and I actually think that is a form of expression that has artistic value, but once you add funscripts to it means you weren’t able to resist temptation it is intended to invoke, and you turned it into sexual object, so it is not in realm of “one cannot possibly have a real relationship with” anymore.
By connecting funscript to a toy, you are taking it out of realm of fiction and desecrating the innocence of these cute characters. Of course this is my interpretation, but the value I find in this art is in its duality that invokes fight between urge to protect the innocence and temptation to be aroused by it. Creating funscript gives in to temptation and arousal, killing the instinct to protect the childishness/innocence and removes art from it.
Of course people will disagree about what they see in art, this is just a viewpoint to help understand some of those who supported the laws governing the site and resulting in this thread (I say some since probably many of them were just dumb puritans who never tried to understand foreign cultures nor what is that art about, or thought about how banning it will help anyone become stronger and overcome the temptation within themselves), but I hope it clarifies why people can consider same drawing without funscript be different form of expression than when funscript is attached to it.


“… a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting…”
“… depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in…”
If loli/shota is deemed as appearing to be a minor engaging in a graphic sexual act, it is addressed by that law. You can argue that it shouldn’t be deemed as such, but the wording of the law certainly gives US courts reasonable means to punish such content.

If the forum criteria is to ban content that mods deem to appear prepubescent, that definitely is in alignment with a visual depiction “that is, or appears to be, of a minor”.


Parts of this community appear to be very censorious as they flag any post they disagree with, as will inevitably happen to yours now, so I can’t avoid but looking at this ban as a kind of poetic justice :slight_smile:

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I understand that site administrators are free to decide their policies and what content to ban. I also understand the argument that if someone doesn’t like it, they can create their own site.

I understand that administrators do not want to take on legal risks. If the purpose is to mitigate risk rather than out of a particular preference, have you considered switching to a provider that is not bound by U.S. law? At the very least, you would no longer need to fear the laws created by hypocritical conservatives in the U.S., in my opinion.


I do think moderators would have the gratitude of the majority if they would somehow scold the user(s) frivolously flagging perfectly acceptable replies here.


Nah, let them. What is a day without a healthy dose of sarcasm and irony? If they flagged it, at least you can be sure they read it :slight_smile:

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Edger447’s replies were flagged as off-topic. Much as I enjoyed reading the short essay on psychoanalysis of lolicon script users, I fear this could redirect the discussion back into the endless spiral of morality debate of the subject, so I let it stay hidden.

“Ban media but keep script” was brought up internally a couple of times. It wasn’t accepted in the end as there ought to be some way in the topic to pin back to the media and therefore become difficult to maintain. It wasn’t because the staff are concerned about how the use of Funscript would shift the psychology of the recipient of lolicon art. At least the U.S. code showed less interest in what goes on in the brains of an Otaku than Saito Tamaki.


That’s very fair. The frivolous flags I’m referring to are replies that are back at this point, I have no doubt there have been reasonable flagging in this mess of a topic.

If that’s the case, it needs to be made more clear. This is the first mod communication of loli/shota scripts being banned, and it’s not even a direct statement, it’s implied. All other communication is about the ban of loli/shota “content”, of which the OP goes out of its way to define as visuals, with no mention of scripts, external links, etc. Nobody is going to find this buried 300+ posts deep into a flamewar! (props to you all for leaving the topic open despite this)

I feel like an insane person for having to ask this, but whatever. If it’s ostensibly the topic of the thread, why isn’t there a plain statement explicitly saying that loli/shota scripts are banned? This is a site for sharing scripts, not visuals. How is that not the first point. idgi



that right there is the exact issue. this site has never hosted actual content only links to it. now lets say the links are not allowed and neither are the visual images that are previews. or perhaps the visuals are heavily blurred for example this would be understandable

but instead its just blanket ban on all of it including scripts too. you know. the only thing actually shared here other than the preview images.

but i think if they just said hey look you can post scripts and thats it. it would be a okay because no law is able to ban funscripts lmfao.

ps. they should focus on fixing the site performance instead of this. the site is literally unusable right now. and for a site that just hosts images and txt files basically thats pretty bad.


We are very up front about piracy in the site. as long as content is hosted off of the forum we dont hold liability. torrent magnets are disallowed for this reason.

magnet links make us liable because P2P protocols has precedent with the pirate bay that magnet links can hold us liable.

Direct downloads have no liability problems if we are not hosting the content. at most we host thumbnails/gifs. and if that was enough for litigation you could persue way bigger fish than us.

I personally have no moral issue with loli content. its not a real child. No one is being hurt. but my opinions dont change US Law.
Here if you’d like to read:

a)In General.—Any person who, in a circumstance described in subsection (d), knowingly produces, distributes, receives, or possesses with intent to distribute, a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is obscene.

Accusations about the mods moral compass are immature and dont solve any problems.


:slight_smile: I said this in a DM to someone -

It’s like you invite someone to your house and ask them to take their shoes off before coming in. Instead of taking their shoes off off, or simply leaving, they stand there on your porch and yell at your closed door for hours. All the while binging up scientific papers regarding bacteria on shoes vs. socks, their particular orthopedic needs, toenail length, and religious beliefs.

The meme regarding “arguing on the internet is like competing in the special Olympics” plays in my head every time I see this thread at the top of the site when I visit.


if you aren’t hosting the content why does that law even matter?


Exactly. If it’s your site, you make the rules. If not, follow the rules. Goes no further. Accept them or leave.


Then why aren’t we allowed to link other sites with torrents like “my jav bay” when someone looks for a source then? It’s not a magnet link to the torrent file itself.

I mean, it’s fine. Torrent’s a no-go and always has been here so it’s not like you yoinked it unceremoniously out of the blue.

Oh, pipe down, will you.

You’ve made it very clear where you stand on the matter, you’re just rubbing your hands together at this point pretending to be objective and impartial.

It’s a forum, yeah, people will discuss things. Especially if they were left vague and suddenly sprung on people.

I’m also wondering that as he literally just said:

Like I said. I’ll abide regardless of how I feel about it and it’s not gonna make me stop using the forum but there’s parts that don’t quite make sense and I just want to really understand.

and I guess I’m never gonna get a clear answer on the topic of Atomi Shuri and Lala kudo or other performers like them. Some of Lala’s scenes are too much for me tbh but does it make it “obscene” and worthy of ban?

I’m thinking of this one in particular

I’m actually surprised it’s still on SLR tbh.

If it was up to me, a lot of loli content that’s been deemed obscene would be much less of a risk than that.