Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Loli / shota debate containment thread

Folk crying “1984!” over the prospect of not having free access to borderline paedo-porn, is both concerning and hilarious.

While we’re at it - could we get an option to filter out animated stuff in general? This platform is being flooded with it since this announcement. I’m sure I’m not in the minority when I say it’s irritating AF to have to scroll through it all

You can mute tags. You can also scroll through topics by searching by tags/keywords/categories you want to see and excluding tags you don’t want to see by typing “-tags:animation,hentai,cgi”.

Doesn’t seem to work for me

If I type “-tags:animation,hentai,cgi” into the search bar, it specifically shows only those things.

If I type it into the tags filter, it says “no results found”

Really? You get topics with those tags on this page?

Yeah, first one is hentai… plus it’s a mixture of all categories, free, paid, requests, software etc.

Normally I’d just click on Free Scripts and scroll through, for example. But it’d be nice if it was possible to exclude a few tags from that list, instead of just specify one to include

You can further specify a category. But you’re saying the first result has the tag hentai if you click the link I posted?

Ah, the ones that are showing don’t have any tags at all, that’ll be why.

However, that solution is showing everything in all categories… it’s somewhat worse than not doing it at all. Thank you though


I feel like an internet mom teaching a kid about how to click buttons on a website… Or maybe a grandchild realizing the older generations don’t know about modern technology…

This link includes the category specification.
Because I clicked on the button to choose category.
You can click other buttons too, like sorting by most likes or relevance.
You can add tags or keywords you want to include too.

You’re not clicking buttons though are you? you’re typing a syntax that would be otherwise unknown to most people.

So, lets drop the condescension, shall we.

Thank you for your input, it’s no longer required.

The option has always been there, hidden in your user preferences.

Muted tags won’t show up in your feed.

Use the query suggested by @Rosethorn when you search for stuff.

Damn… I can’t say I agree with this decision.

I am curious too if there’s an alternate site for scripts for this category. I get it that we won’t be able to find it here anymore, but it would still be nice to know where it can be shared.

I got you covered


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thank you!

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Any updates yet as to when the automated purge of the topics still tagged with loli/shota will occur since only an estimate of 2 months was given?

I presume nothing has changed with this and all topics made before the 6th of July have been reviewed for if they should have the tags or not at this point.

Why not give the “Animation” tab its own place ?
Free Scripts
-not Animation
like this.

Because it isn’t even that big of a deal people are just weird.

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Entire subcategories to separate two tags would be a major structural change for not a lot of utility. Also, would videos containing both be in the super-category Free Scripts while videos only containing either would go in the subcategories?
Messy and not very necessary.

Usually the video will not contain both.
For example, I don’t want to see non-animation pictures.
But I don’t know how to block it.
Some posts don’t even have animation tags.
This makes blocking or selecting ineffective.