Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

Ok, cool story.
Now reality is that it has all to do with THIS site.
The link between loli or cp content related to a device that masturbates for you.
Its fine if you want to debate or discuss the morality of said material, but that only makes you project half the issues this site faces. The obvious morality of any fetish or deviancy is a very tanglable related issue when you involve the ACT of masturbation.
And that will be my final post. I support this site and their decision good job!


Reading way too into it bro

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If you require a study to be shown how people getting jerked off by a machine with this content to not be sexually oriented towards this fetish then i dont know what ever is logical to you.
You must be either the most critical smart thinker there is, or just plainly defending this absurd claim of ignorance.

Thank god its only masturbation, perhaps i could link you a study about psychology or the dangers of a pornographic addiction? I can so easilly present you with countless study’s about disorders that feed this but would that help the site? No, as the act of masturbation is not unhealthy. Im sure you wont have to google far to reach those studies. And that truely will be my last message, I wish all the users of this site the utmost best fap and fun of their lives. Unless its one of those people ya know.

lol, go ahead

bro is on a site for porn addicts and doesn’t realize he is also one.


I wont lie i’m addicted to cunny


I dont think you realise what that means for you brother ^^
Maybe i’ll see you at AA, or whatever i guess.

Oh wait yea no it’ll be jail for you and therapy for me right?
Hmmm, well either way i would say there are levels to degeneracy i suppose.
Besides what more could one ask for, a fellow idiot who is giving you advice to get help.

I’m not attracted to little kids you airheaded half-wit.


Ok so there is this right here, https://discuss.eroscripts.com/t/halloween-kyoka-revised-2nd-edition/160424

Oh and then there is also this here, https://discuss.eroscripts.com/t/kokkoro-videos-from-rule34-video/168646

Those are little kids my brother.

some of my best work
thats a little elf cunny hentai fushina san,
I'm reporting you
and my elf cunny wife


Someone named Enemalover moralfagging about porn cartoons on a porn forum is extraordinarily funny.




well you see

I hate pedos

and you hate pedos


Guys just stop responding to him, he’s purposely derailing the thread with his dumb twitter-brain, at this point the bans obviously going through no matter what we say. We should be using the rest of the thread to ask the mods for clarifications on stuff


You and i,
We can both play this game.

But in all seriousness the law and more often courts will ultimately fail to be non biased towards any morality that the masses propagate so to keep this beautifull site it would eventually happen. Even if you are a so called, good little goblin fucker that just loves masturbation or just had a snippet of the content.

Read the statements (and my response) again and realise that for each user this had to happen.
The issue is people defending cp as some moral ground to defend freedom of speech like this guy whilst purposefully making scripts that sync a sexual act.

This is a video of roughly 12 minutes so one could only guess how long making the script for the video took. The edge cases that people are concerned about, probably being the HMV’s of past content or other snippets that might have this classification. THERE is where we should be mindful and where the law can understand a strike system or light sentencing.
The livelyhood of this site is at stake anyway. Even if you attempt to pretend its not with some blaber about morality. The system protects you from getting kidnapped and enema’d. I would say thats a nice thing.

Let stop the pretend Souleaterblaze.
Also, ATFM look at who you reply to.
I know you are concerned about detail’s so it shouldnt be hard for you to recognize the difference.

no one is defending cp


If that’s true then search for a new hobby.
Or dont script video’s to cartoons of little girls getting railed by a machine driven masturbation devices.
How hard can it be to accept this small loss over a whole site or actual prevention of being able to use it at all.
Not to even mention the implications of enjoying that type of fetish in the first place.
If someone made a few enema script’s that would be cool.
But i dont expect that to be with little 10 year old girl’s ofcourse so there is THAT.

Anyway, take care my brother it was a fun ride.
Also, dont use the same nickname too often as i do see you enjoy HALO.
Even made some cool model’s good for you buddy!

Agreed, let’s not waste our energies arguing morality with that kind of people.

besides, one of the things he linked isn’t even hit by the ban. The kokkoro scenes

They’re not even tagged with loli. That kinda undermines his point.

also proves people will take offense with stuff that mods have already approved, once again showing that going on a case by case basis is not working super well :confused:

edit: @Souleaterblaze bro, he seriously namesearched you? Oh you hit a nerve for sure. TotallyNotMad.jpg


Going to enforce some rules in this topic going forward

No more discussion about morality/freedom of speech/legality. That horse has been beaten to death already, it’s the same talking points repeated again and again.

No attacking other users

Keep future discussion to other more productive topics such as rule clarity




guess I’ll start asking the real questions then.

given the way things are currently being done you are deciding if something is OK or not based on biased or not voting on if a characters depiction in a certain video meets the criteria as being prebubecent or not.

So my question is how do you come to this conclusion? I wouldn’t say I’m an expert in that area of study. would this be based on the way the body looks? obviously. but in what way? not the breasts clearly so what exactly? the stomach region and it’s shape? or perhaps the size of the characters legs and corresponding curvature more curvature being more developed but is there some method to the madness? or is this just random guessing? is the criteria concrete or is it just a guess?

as shown by enemalover ironically those two posts of mine he showed are perfect examples I think another being the other kyouka script I’ve done. in both of those her stomach region is almost bulbus and round in appearance whereas some of the kokkoro videos are more curved inwards like an hourglass other than one video in the set on my post.

Example A Prepubescent body structure in the middle body region

Example B Non prebubecent body structure in the middle body region

would these be good baseline indicators of what content is allowed and what is not?

and where do we draw the line?