Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

Do keep in mind that in terms of site definitions for tagging, right now loli and shota refers to prepubescent appearance.
You can say that character is explicitly designed to look “loli” and I’d agree, but it is not judged to look prepubescent and as such isn’t categorized under this forum’s loli tag.


Not a loli.
9.4 out of 10 fap enthusiasts agree


This is either bait or you dont know what children look like.


Not me personally. It was on the news a couple of years ago and it was based on the results of a study published by a university as far as I can remember.

it’s bait lol

maybe it’s a good thing they don’t know what children look like

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Even a complete lack of does not mean child. I know two women in my personal life, mid 20s / early 30s, that are completely flat. Like no breast tissue at all - nipple flat against their ribs. They’re both very active, and otherwise have curves, they just don’t have breasts in the traditional sense of something you can wrap a hand around (and it’s nothing other than their physical activity and genetics that causes it).

I have no idea if there’s a specific criteria other than a subjective “prepubescent features”, but the variety of human genetics tells me that most opinions on what that may or may not be are just that - opinions.

Like I’m all for banning content clearly modeled to look like children, but real women of an appropriate age can sometimes have features similar to that which children also have.

(as a note I’m not trying to call you out specifically, or attack you in any way, I’m just quoting your post as an example of how subjectivity in this particular subject can lead to banning completely legal content as well)


:sob: you know some cute and funny ladies


I believe the only part of the body where one can completely judge “prepubescent features” is the pussy.
It is impossible to judge by tits, buttocks, height, or build.
The pussy is justice. But that is also difficult because a painted pussy is just a symbol.

nah think body shape hourglass vs more straight torso

u can have a cunny and still be an adult character :sob:


I think the biggest factor for a character to look truly loli, rather than just small and petite is the tummy. For example in my eyes:

いちはや character design, definitely a loli:

イチリ character design, not a loli

Despite having very similar body proportions, one design has a toned stomach (sorry falafel I don’t know how to spoiler tag nvm I figured it out)


I wanted to say that it is difficult to judge by the pussy, which is just a symbol, because every writer writes the pussy differently.
I think judging by the skeleton is one way.


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and yet id say both of those fit the cirteria to be allowed here lol.


How about judging by how old the author has set the age of the character?
If there is no description of the character’s age, judge by appearance.

This character is from a well-known Loli game.
However, although she looks like a Loli, she explains at the beginning of the game that her age is over 18 and she is a non-virgin.

I mean, both evoke major :sob: energy for sure


yeah idk about that one chief :sob:


The main players here (credit card companies and the government) don’t care about fictional age, won’t be considered at all.

And without any age attached, those are definitely loli designs

(would still plap tho)


How arrogant of you to ignore the author’s setting.:sob:



not me, blame these two fucking chuds